How long did it take you to develop a fan base for your podcast? When did people start sending you e-mail or leaving voice messages? Do you have a counter anywhere that lets you know how many people are subscribed to the podcast?
I ask because I started my Shakespeare High podcast on the 1st and haven't heard a word from anyone. The podcast is listed in iTunes and some other directories...but nothing! Even my regular board members and family haven't listened to it! LOL! It's sad but true.
One problem that I'm currently having is that the podcast runs really slow on most of the embedded players on the podcast directories. Have you ever had that happen? I fear that people will listen through those sites and never come back because I sound like a man! LOL!
I do want to say that you are a natural; I sound like a complete goof! I need to go back and listen to your early shows...I hope they sound horrible so that I have hope for myself. :roflmao
First, don't get discouraged. It takes awhile (if ever) to build up some listeners. I think you have a neat and unique idea for a show - and that helps. I can find out my downloads from my web host. I don't have a huge number, even now. Somewhere around 400-500 a week last time I checked. From that, I really don't get a huge number of emails, etc. Maybe a few per show. Most of my input and help has comes from the great members here on the forum - like you. I've done Skype calls, gotten audio comments, etc. mainly from folks here. I think a good forum really helps build up the community feeling for the podcast. The other thing that helps is to make a 30 sec - 1 min. promo for your show and email it to other shows that might have the type of listeners you are seeking. I of course would love to play a promo for you on my podcast.
On the technical side what type of host are you using for the files? I find the "free" services" are not very reliable or good. The site I use is very good and very well priced. I use Power Web (http://www.powweb.com) and they recently increased their file storage amount and bandwidth per month - doubled it. Did you post your podcast via iTunes yet? I really think most people download the shows from there and don't stream them too much.
Anyway, keep at it and be consistent. Try to set a specific schedule for your shows and stick to that. One thing that turns me right off are shows that come out sporadically. That's why I try my hardest to be very regular when I do my show each week - people like set routines.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
P.S. I need to get you on my show again sometime to discuss "Of Gods and Men", we could also chat a little about your podcast then too.
Great idea Rico- Amy was a wonderful guest and made for a wonderful podcast....
Quote from: Chrystabel on January 15, 2007, 07:16:08 PM
I do want to say that you are a natural; I sound like a complete goof! I need to go back and listen to your early shows...I hope they sound horrible so that I have hope for myself. :roflmao
Amy. I think your voice sounds fine. We all think we sound silly when we hear ourselves. I am always thinking I sound stupid when I hear my voice on the podcast. As Rico said on his show, you sounded very natural so please don't put yourself down too much.
Hi Amy! What is the name of your podcast?! Angela and I will listen to your show. I have always had an interst in Shakespeare (Julius Ceasar is my favorite play). "Friends...Romans...Countrymen, lend me your ears! I have come to bury Ceasar not to praise him. The evil that men do lives on. The good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Ceasar." I memorized that line when I was in highschool and it has stuck with me for years. I love it.
Angela has a masters degree in drama. She's a director and actor for a local theater company. She loves to have philosophical discussions about plays. I'm sure she'd LOVE your podcast.
Oh...I hate my voice too. But your's sounds much more feminine than mine. :D
Also, we'd be happy to play your promos. We've begun a sci-fi and fantasy podcast. Its done from a female prospective. We were discussing the possibility of having a few "regular" guests (fellow fan girls) on our podcast...Maybe once every couple of months or so. We'd love to have you as a guest on our show too....you could even plug your podcast.
Quote from: Jen on February 10, 2007, 10:33:15 AM
Hi Amy! What is the name of your podcast?! Angela and I will listen to your show. I have always had an interst in Shakespeare (Julius Ceasar is my favorite play). "Friends...Romans...Countrymen, lend me your ears! I have come to bury Ceasar not to praise him. The evil that men do lives on. The good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Ceasar." I memorized that line when I was in highschool and it has stuck with me for years. I love it.
Angela has a masters degree in drama. She's a director and actor for a local theater company. She loves to have philosophical discussions about plays. I'm sure she'd LOVE your podcast.
Oh...I hate my voice too. But your's sounds much more feminine than mine. :D
Also, we'd be happy to play your promos. We've begun a sci-fi and fantasy podcast. Its done from a female prospective. We were discussing the possibility of having a few "regular" guests (fellow fan girls) on our podcast...Maybe once every couple of months or so. We'd love to have you as a guest on our show too....you could even plug your podcast.
Round robin again?
If you put it on a site it can be downloaded from the wife and I will give a listen and possibly toss it in our show as well. We don't mind letting those that have found us know about other shows, especially if they're not "competitors". :)
As for your question about getting listeners, the wife and I podcast about MMO's and WoW. WoW has 8 million subscribers. We get an email a week if we're lucky. Do the math. :)
It is a matter of letting people know you're there though. iTunes, Podcast Alley and others help as does worth of mouth, and posting to relevant places. And from there just having fun doing a regular and interseting podcast seems to be what makes it work.
Mr. O