Hey guys!
This may be a little surprise for most of you, but I'm getting married next August. Oh yeah, I'm very happy for that and life has been crazy lately for me. I haven't dropped the news because I wanted to wait a little but it's time now. :)
So a little about it all: her name is Iris and we've met for a couple years now. We've been dating for a year now and we think we are ready.
Now the bad news. She doesn't like Trek or Star Wars. But nobody is perfect. She likes, however, Lord Of The Rings. That's why I, as a graphic designer, created our wedding invite.
Please take a look and tell me what you think:
I thought it would be a good idea to throw in some Tolkien script and I think it looks good, but I need opinions to make it better.
The text in Spanish reads: If my life must continue, If another day will come, If must begin again, Will be for you.
So there!
Congrats to both of you - great news! It's a big step and I wish you both the very best!
WOW awsome dude coll invitation!
Congrats Buddy... and you know I love the invitation.
Congratulations. What if you put your names on the inside of the rings as though they were an inscription?
Quote from: Poodyglitz on April 23, 2007, 07:51:02 PM
Congratulations. What if you put your names on the inside of the rings as though they were an inscription?
Thanks all!
Good idea Poodyglitz! What about this:
On this version I got rid of the text. I think it looks more elegant.
MB = Morelos Barros (that would be me)
IC = Iris Cabrera
Looks cool. I really like the lettering.
Maybe move the "MB" away from the reflection (looks like "MBC"). Also, try to make the color inside the lettering more toward the yellow/gold color of the ring, with enough higlight/shadow to let us know that it's debossed lettering. Also, there's a part of me that would like to see the inside of the rings just ever so slightly add a blur.
Perhaps one short defining statement in the upper left hand corner.
You must be so excited.
Congrats! What an exciting time!
Mr. O (going on 5 years here with Mrs. O)
Quote from: Poodyglitz on April 24, 2007, 07:43:25 AM
Looks cool. I really like the lettering.
Maybe move the "MB" away from the reflection (looks like "MBC"). Also, try to make the color inside the lettering more toward the yellow/gold color of the ring, with enough highlight/shadow to let us know that it's debossed lettering. Also, there's a part of me that would like to see the inside of the rings just ever so slightly add a blur.
Perhaps one short defining statement in the upper left hand corner.
You must be so excited.
¡Felicitaciones! That's awesome news Chief!
I agree with Glitz (sorry man I can't bring myself to call you "Pood" :D) about the "MB" looking a little like "MBC" because of its proximity to the reflection. And the shadow inside the ring could be more contrasting (to give it some depth) but other than those minor details...GREAT JOB! I was married at 21, right out of college, and we're still happily married 11 years later. Best thing I ever did was marry Dave. Hope you and Iris are just as happy. ;)
I like the initials.. but if you do them in the ring you have to do them in the refelection also... just an observation.
Grats! I got married in September, and lucky me, she's a huge fangirl. Of course, I met her at a sci-fi convention, so I guess that goes without saying.
If there is one piece of advice I could ever give for your wedding it's this: Do it the way YOU want. I fought a few big decisions from the mom-in-law (who is a wonderful woman) and demanded to pick out the songs we wanted, the cake topper we wanted, and the food we wanted, and we wrote our own vows - and people are STILL writing to us and calling us about how wonderful the ceremony was. We did a sand ceremony where we poured different colored sand into a clear vase to indicate our lives mingling, and added some trappings like a choopa (sp) and breaking the glass to symbolize the home we are building and the breaking away from our families. Then we had our first dance to Iron and Wine's version of The Postal Service's "Such Great Heights".
Make sure you take the time to eat and enjoy the ceremony, too. Take pictures BEFORE the ceremony. Believe me, it makes the rest of the night sooooo much more pleasant!!
And finally (OK, three pieces of advice), remember that the wedding is not the marriage. Some people spend so much time getting everything perfect (which never happens, things always go a bit awry) that they lose sight of WHY they are joining together in the first place. The wedding is the result of alot of planning, but it is the beginning of a long, wonderful, journey that you have promised to make together.
Quote from: Locutus on April 24, 2007, 12:43:42 PM
And finally (OK, three pieces of advice), remember that the wedding is not the marriage. Some people spend so much time getting everything perfect (which never happens, things always go a bit awry) that they lose sight of WHY they are joining together in the first place. The wedding is the result of alot of planning, but it is the beginning of a long, wonderful, journey that you have promised to make together.
Wow, Locutus, great advices. I totally agree. The wedding is just the result of a lot of planning and work.
Her family is the kind of family that enjoys getting in the way, but I was quick and very firm to let them know Iris and I should be the ones taking care of things and so far it has worked.
About the pictures, yes we will have some taken and I plan to have people take pictures at the same time so I can then put them together on a nice album. Not sure about that.
So yeah, we are enjoying all this so far. I will post some pictures, of course.
Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on April 24, 2007, 10:52:49 AM
I like the initials.. but if you do them in the ring you have to do them in the refelection also... just an observation.
Oh you are very right! I will work on that tonight or tomorrow night and post the results. Thanks buddy!
yeah you should make lord of the rings script inside :) he-he
Quote from: Locutus on April 24, 2007, 12:43:42 PM
Take pictures BEFORE the ceremony. Believe me, it makes the rest of the night sooooo much more pleasant!!
I have to say he's right on that. My mother is a photographer and she made the same suggestion. I'm glad we did this. We looked so much happier in the photos of (just us) before the wedding than we did in the pictures with the wedding party AFTER the wedding. We were hungry and just wanted to get the reception started. So, I would suggest just having your Bride and Groom pictures taken before the wedding....Some folks think its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. All I can say is that NOTHING bad has ever happened to us because of it.