Main Decks => Star Trek => Topic started by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 08:23:58 AM

Title: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 08:23:58 AM
Some more info and pics for the next fan film by the New Voyages guys....

The next episode of Star Trek New Voyages "World Enough And Time" starring George Takei finally has a premiere date: August 23rd. It will be seen in a live streaming event timed to coincide with the gala premiere at a theater in Beverly Hills to be attended by Takei, director Marc Zicree as well as show creator/star James Cawley. This will be the first STNV episode that will use live streaming (the episode will be streamed again, but will not be available for download like previous episodes).

George Takei & Grace Lee Whitney in STNV "World Enough and Time"

James Cawley tells that he feels this episodes is their best work yet, saying "everything pales in comparison." Besides having George Takei reprise his role as Hikaru Sulu, the team really tried to get all elements of the production to professional grade. Although Cawley is proud of the previous episodes, he feels that this is the episode that could really break out from a typical amateur fanfilm and truly be able to stand along side the original series.

Mini Review
The STNV team have provided with a copy of the episode. I will be writing a full review but in brief I would say that I was impressed. To date I have not really been a fan of most fan films. "World Enough and Time" is not without its flaws, but it is the first Trek fan made production that I thought really could be considered ‘professional.’ Although their production design has always been of a high standard this one has made marked improvements in sound, lighting, special effects, direction and yes even in acting (mostly).

With Daren Dochterman on board for the next episode "Blood and Fire" which recently ended principal photography I look forward to seeing what they do next.

More information on the premiere of "World Enough and Time" at New Voyages site.


Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 08:26:11 AM
Oh, here's the trailer too:

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on July 13, 2007, 09:00:52 AM
Wow, they really nailed the bridge of the Excelsior and the uniforms look great. And see, even acknowledges what has always been my only issue with N.V., the acting. I look forward to seeing this.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 09:58:32 AM
I knew you would come around Bryan.  ;)
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on July 13, 2007, 10:22:13 AM
I honestly don't think the acting in New Voyages has been any worse than the acting in TOS. I have enjoyed the series from the start, although I have to say that each episode gets better. I just wish they could release them with a little more frequency.

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on July 13, 2007, 10:33:11 AM
Quote from: Ktrek on July 13, 2007, 10:22:13 AM
I honestly don't think the acting in New Voyages has been any worse than the acting in TOS. I have enjoyed the series from the start, although I have to say that each episode gets better. I just wish they could release them with a little more frequency.


I totally respect your opinion, Kev :).

....but I completely disagree with that! ;).
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 11:12:45 AM
The only thing I always say when this comes up (and I knew it would) is these people are not professional actors (except the occasional guest star).  And even with that said I have seen much worse acting from so called professionals in some TV and films.  So, I applaud their efforts and look forward to each new free episode they share with us.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on July 13, 2007, 11:29:27 AM
Quote from: Rico on July 13, 2007, 11:12:45 AM
The only thing I always say when this comes up (and I knew it would) is these people are not professional actors (except the occasional guest star).  And even with that said I have seen much worse acting from so called professionals in some TV and films.  So, I applaud their efforts and look forward to each new free episode they share with us.

Fair enough, but TOS? I don't think the two are really comparable. The main characters acting was suberb and they had some incredible guest stars as well.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on July 13, 2007, 11:44:59 AM
The more I think about it, I think my issue with N.V. is that they are imitating the TOS characters poorly as opposed to just being new characters with whome I have no association or preconceptions. Instead, the cast doesn't really look like the TOS cast, sound like the TOS cast, or act like the TOS cast and it keeps jarring me out of the story.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on July 13, 2007, 12:21:34 PM
I always kind of see it as a somewhat alternate TOS.  Kind of like a new James Bond movie with a new actor in the same character we all know.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: moyer777 on July 13, 2007, 01:08:35 PM
Does anyone know why they are only streaming this one?  Not downloading?
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on July 13, 2007, 07:39:34 PM
I think it will also be available for download but not right away. I could be mistaken but I don't think I am.

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: iceman on July 13, 2007, 08:29:33 PM
I have watched the first few of these like anything, it does seem to get better with each episode and has come along way since the beginning, I think that this group will eventually surprise us, besides, this is the only fan film that George Takei has liked enough to star in, This in itself says alot.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 23, 2007, 05:30:51 AM
This is coming out TODAY!  August 23rd, 2007!  Streaming event later on.  Make sure to sign up for it at
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on August 23, 2007, 07:16:49 AM

Didn't you post a site once that will allow you to capture any streaming video? I'd like to do that. Especially if they are not going to make the episode available for download.

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 23, 2007, 07:30:04 AM
I know how to do it via YouTube but not this type of streaming.  But I wouldn't worry.  It will be up for download probably as soon as tonight or tomorrow.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on August 23, 2007, 07:42:48 AM
Ok. great! I wasn't sure if they were only making this episode a stream and not downloadable. I hope they have a good DVD quality download this time!

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: iceman on August 23, 2007, 10:45:53 AM
Reserved my seat
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 23, 2007, 04:32:24 PM
The streaming event is bogging down a lot.  It will clear up eventually.  Looks like the plan is to have it available to stream for awhile and then at some point release it for download.  I've only seen about the first 10 seconds of it so far this evening.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on August 23, 2007, 08:24:39 PM
Well, that was disappointing! Couldn't even get a minute of the stream to work!

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: X on August 23, 2007, 08:28:36 PM
I've watched about 10 minutes and I have to say that production values are far better than the last ones. In "In harm's Way" did anyone else notice the goatee falling off of the klingon during the final battles?
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 24, 2007, 04:40:21 AM
I'm about ten minutes or so in as well.  That's all I could get to "stream" over so far.  Really enjoying it.  I think the whole production improves with each new episode.  This one appears to be the slickest yet.  I just wish these guys could make some of their money back on these or even a little profit.  I'd gladly buy them off iTunes or on DVD if they were available that way.  But of course CBS/Paramount doesn't seem to want to allow that.  At least not yet.

Hoping to get the rest downloaded today.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 24, 2007, 08:58:22 AM
Direct download link site - sort of.  This is still just where they are streaming the files from so it is SLOW to download them.  I have heard they are showing up on the torrents now too.

MOV versions:

Flash versions:

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 24, 2007, 09:55:51 AM
I just managed (after hours of patiently downloading) to watch the whole episode.  I'm telling you all, this is as good or better than many professional things or even Trek episodes I have seen.  The script was great and very emotionally charged.  I'm not going to say much until more of you have seen it but I urge you all to give it a look.  I loved it!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on August 24, 2007, 04:08:59 PM
Well, I think you may be the only person to actually see this. I just tried to stream it from their site and had to force quit my browser it was so FUBAR. I couldn't even find a post on it over at the RPF, you would think Ron would have started a thread...
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 24, 2007, 04:59:04 PM
It takes literally hours to download Bryan.  At least 5-6 or more for the smallest version of it.  Don't try streaming.  Use the links I gave above and start a download.  I am currently downloading the largest size .mp4 version right now.  File size = 368 MB, download speed = 7-10 kb/sec, time remaining 14 hours.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on August 24, 2007, 05:01:19 PM
No thanks, I'll wait till.....whenever. Pretty weak, IMO.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on August 24, 2007, 05:22:27 PM
If anyone wants the torrent file just email me and I'll send it to you. I downloaded the entire episode in mp4 in about 20 minutes.

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Ktrek on August 24, 2007, 06:37:27 PM
My wife and I just watched the episode and I have to say that not only is this an impressive New Voyages episode but it's one of the best Star Trek episodes I have ever seen! The writing, sfx, music, directing and acting were fantastic! It was very moving and is a testament to the fact that Star Trek still has a lot of good stories to tell. I can hardly believe that this was a fan endeavor! If you have not seen it download it and enjoy!!

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 24, 2007, 07:22:18 PM
Not that's what I'm talking about!  :)
This is a great episode!

Glad you loved it like I did too Ktrek!

I put the file that I got up on my web site.  It might be slow to download, but go for it if you want.  It's the MOV small version but it still is good quality.  It's about 300 meg.

Here's the link:
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Jobydrone on August 24, 2007, 08:45:53 PM
Thanks for the upload Ric!  Downloading now!!!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: X on August 24, 2007, 09:19:56 PM
Finally saw it and was half tempted to try to come up with some sort of story that would [not going to add spoilers] and use her as an NPC in the game.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: moyer777 on August 24, 2007, 10:55:26 PM
That was a great episode.  Not even comparable to their other stuff.  Way cool. 

Thanks Rico, cause I tried downloading for about 8 hours today, and only got 49 megs.  Clicked on your link and had it in twenty minutes.


Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 25, 2007, 03:37:35 AM
Glad I could help out guys.  It's a good thing I guess too since it looks like they had to temporarily take downloads down off the site they were using.  I'm sure an official high quality version will be available for download in the near future.  Hopefully DVD quality like they have done before.  Can't wait to see it on my big TV!  I think this is by far the best episode they have done.  And I have enjoyed all of them.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Jobydrone on August 25, 2007, 07:04:30 AM
I watched the first twenty minutes last night before I had to go to bed.  I think it's way better than the last one, so far.  One gripe I have, is why can't they spend a little cash on a decent hairstylist?  They obviously can do wonders and miracles with the CGI, they can't drop a few bucks to get their wigs right?  It may seem like a small thing but it really does take me out of the episode to see those crappy wigs and haircuts.  Especially Crawley's, what up with that?
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 25, 2007, 07:13:57 AM
That's Cawley's real hair.  He is an Elvis impersonator and does weird stuff to his hair for that.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: saunders on August 25, 2007, 12:53:34 PM
WOW...that was amazing.  These do keep getting better.   I'm very impressed.  It was very touching.  These don't even look like fan films anymore.  I do wish they'd use original TOS music.  It's not that the music they had was was actually very good.  I just think it really enhances the TOS feeling to hear the original music.   I think it's really noticeable in the trailers.   That's just a personal preference though.  I loved the little surprise at the ending.  Bring on the next one!!!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on August 25, 2007, 04:41:45 PM
First of all, thank you Rico for hosting that link. As some may know, I have not been a big fan of New Voyages in terms of the quality of the acting. I  have always felt the production value's ar off the charts and the stories have been ok but the attempte to mimic the TOS characters and the delivery of the dialogue, for me, has left a lot to be desired. I still have some issues with that..........but that was frackin' awesome! George was great, all the main characters were so much better and the story was soild and tight. The guy playing Scotty is charming but his accent is crummy and the McCoy need to be older with a bit more charm. Everybody else was great. I'm on board. :)
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 25, 2007, 04:56:17 PM
That's great Bryan!  If Bryan is on board these guys must be doing something right.  I'm not sure exactly what it was, a combination of things (and George was top notch) - but this is one great piece of Trek work.  I hope JJ Abrams takes a peak at it!  Man, I was tearing up while watching it during lunch yesterday.

EVERYONE on the forum needs to see this!  Download from my web site link and enjoy!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: iceman on August 25, 2007, 07:12:28 PM
This was by far their best episode yet. I have high expectations for Blood and Fire.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: davekill on August 25, 2007, 10:52:09 PM
A great production by some really hard working fans.
Ya gotta love it - Sulu  with an attitude! He was always so "cool" and "laid back" at the helm in TOS.
George Takei's  "World Enough and Time" performance brings to mind the wild side of Sulu as seen in "The Naked Time"
...He's one bad dude with a sword.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: jedijeff on August 26, 2007, 10:39:12 AM
This was the best epsiode so far, and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to a larger version as well, as I suspect I will get a lot more out of it.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: wso32 on August 26, 2007, 01:16:05 PM
I watched this today and cannot say enough good things about this.  I'm simply amazed at the quality of the effects and sets.  If anyone has not yet seen it, you Have to see it.  I'm going to try and watch it again one evening this week.

PS Thanks for hosting the video Rico.  Anyone put this on their video ipod?  I've got it in itunes but can't get it to transfer over to my video ipod.  It shows up as a movie within itunes but just can't get it to transfer over.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 26, 2007, 01:38:37 PM
Glad you liked it Walter.  I don't have a video iPOD but you might try converting it in Quicktime by exporting it to a different format.  That might work.  Or even just change the file extension to .mp4 instead of .mov and see if it plays.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: davekill on August 26, 2007, 06:01:41 PM
No problem transfering to iPod -
I dragged the "" file that I downloaded from the Forums to the Movies Library in iTunes - this only creates a link to the ".mov" file.  I then selected the title in the iTunes Movies list and from the Advanced menu, selected "Convert Selection for iPod". When the conversion was completed and the title appears again (twice) in the Movies list, I deleted the the original (linked) title from the list.

I plugged in my iPod and manually synced my movie list from the iTunes control panel because I don't have the movies section set to auto sync everything. The movie loaded onto my iPod and it looks great!

A must have utility for iPod video conversions is "Handbrake", and it's free.

Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: iceman on August 26, 2007, 06:34:31 PM
Once you download it you can save it to your hard drive as a quictime movie and play it full screen
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: KingIsaacLinksr on August 27, 2007, 09:10:43 AM
Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

This was a very well done, well scripted episode.  My only kink about it was getting over Mr. Spock or Captain Kirk or the other actors not being the original actors.  But I'm sure thats the same for everyone.  Otherwise, once I got over this issue I did notice that the actors did a very good job portraying their characters.  Though I felt that Engineer Scott may have had a little heavier accent then was needed.  In fact, I think it was only that heavy when he was in the movies.  Maybe thats me?.... 

Otherwise, I loved the special effects.  Very well done in all areas.  The Enterprise and Bird of Preys were very well done.  I also felt that the sounds, looks to the bridge/sickbay were very spot on.  I'm guessing that someone built those sets as I had heard that they were all but gone after Star Trek OS was finished. 

Story was very nice.  I liked how the added the Excelsior in as well.  /clap.   

My only question is, when will the next one be released?  I might have heard but have forgotten.

King Linksr

P.S. this is the first episode I've seen from them.  So, I think they did a great job.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Bryancd on August 27, 2007, 10:11:02 AM
Go back and watch the others to get a sense of perspective as to how far they have come.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: KingIsaacLinksr on August 27, 2007, 11:22:50 AM
Where can I find the previous?......

King Linksr
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 27, 2007, 12:16:13 PM

Look in the episode download section
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Chief on August 28, 2007, 10:35:34 AM
This looks so very good! I will download it tonight!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: wso32 on August 29, 2007, 06:54:04 AM
Thanks Davekill.  That worked perfectly and it looks great on the video ipod!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Scott on August 29, 2007, 04:24:02 PM
I think I'll watch it tonight on my 11 foot screen (projector). ;)
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on August 29, 2007, 04:25:35 PM
Scott - nice to see you again.  I think you'll enjoy the episode - a lot.
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Scott on August 30, 2007, 05:45:56 PM
I did enjoy it. They do keep getting better. I liked the girl that played Sulus daughter. I think her acting was the best in the show. That and she's hot. :P I dare say this episode was better than some of the real Trek. Not as good acted, but who cares, they aren't professional actors. You can forgive that. I love the fact that every episode the sets and overall feel is closer to the real TOS. :P

As for being here. I read the forums often, but I'm usually a little busy to post. I host and run the forums for Farpoint Media and Scifi Dig. That can be alot of work. Specially when there are security updates every few weeks. I hate updating forum software. Plus I do lots of stuff around the house. But I'm moving back home to Tucson in the next month so I should have more time again. Expect to see me more. ;)
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: KingIsaacLinksr on September 04, 2007, 08:01:25 AM
Watched the previous episodes and they are very good. 

Hopefully the future ones are just as good.

King Linksr
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: Rico on November 30, 2007, 05:08:31 AM
I knew this episode was good.  I guess TV Guide thought so too....

The Star Trek New Voyages episode "World Enough and Time" (featuring George Takei) has won TV Guide's Best Sci-Fi Webisode Award. It beat out entries from The 4400, Battlestar Galactica and Afterworld. More info at TVGuide. Congrats to STNV producer James Cawley and his team.

Congrats guys!  It's well deserved!
Title: Re: New Voyages: World Enough and Time
Post by: KingIsaacLinksr on November 30, 2007, 08:31:04 AM
Very cool.  Although, I am a little concerned with what I saw for the next episode.  Hopefully my fears are unfounded though. 

King Linksr