Hallo my name is gundam555. I downloaded a few episodes of the podcast about a week ago, and that was how I found out about this place. I was born on 5/15/1990, so you can probably guess my age. I am a big fan of Sci-Fi. Star Trek is on my list of favorite Sci-Fi shows but my #1 favorite show is Gundam (As you can probably tell by my username) I was also a big fan of Cartoon Network and Toonami before all this live action crap came along, and I probably will be a fan of old Cartoon Network and Toonami for a long time. I am basically a fun guy to be around. I have a link to my MySpace in my signature, so if you have a MySpace feel free to send me and invite and I'll accept as long as your page doesn't look like that of a predator's. Also please check out the other links and if you have a YouTube channel please subscribe.
Welcome to the boards...
Welcome aboard gundam555; I'm a big anime Mecha fan myself. Have you checked out Gundam 00 yet?
Quote from: wraith1701 on February 05, 2008, 04:07:50 PM
Welcome aboard gundam555; I'm a big anime Mecha fan myself. Have you checked out Gundam 00 yet?
Yeah I've seen some intros and clips of it on YouTube. Also I just bought a box set with the first 25 episodes of Gundam SEED, plus I have complete series box set of Wing, and Volume 1 of Mobile Suite Gundam.
Man; I'm trying to bite my tongue to keep from geeking out on Gundam... :-\
Oh well; I'll geek out a little- ;)
Seed is pretty cool, but it was Wing that first got me into Gundam; I used to spend a huge amount of my free time tracking down and building the model kits.
By the way, how did you like volume I of 0079? The reason I ask is that although the animation style is pretty dated, it seems to me that the storyline seems a lot more realistic than Wing or Seed. In fact, after watching all 3 volumes of the MS Gundam movie (0079), I checked out the other U.C. series and OVA's and found them to be way cooler than the Alternate Universe stories (I'm talkin' bout Wing, X, G-Gundam, and Seed/Seed Destiny). So what are you; a Universal Century fan or an Alternate Universe fan?
I'm more of a UC fan myself. My favorite storylines to date: 08th Mobile Suit Team and Zeta.
I've only seen the first 3 episodes of Double-0 so far, but I think it might be a pretty cool series. It seems to combine the best elements of both the U.C. storylines and Gundam Wing, with a lot of modern-day politics thrown in for good measure.
There; geek-rant over. I'm glad I got that out of my system. 8)
Once again; welcome to the Treks in Gundam er,... I mean Treks in Sci-Fi forum! :)
Welcome to the fun
Welcome aboard! Glad to see new members!
King Linksr
Welcome to the fun gundam.
Welcome gundam.
welcome to the boards
Hey, nice to have you aboard.
hey hey! Welcome. I kinda half got inot Gundam Wing for awhile but I haven't caught up on any of the other incarnations.
Thanks all! Also, wraith1701, I liked the first volume of 0079. Wing is my overall favorite, that was what got me hooked to Toonami. I'm an Alternate Universe fan, but I do enjoy the UC ones too.