Oh no... George is at it again.
Lucas is pushing a new version of Star Wars for theaters only this time it will be on 3D. I have mixed feelings for this.
On the one hand it's always great to see Star Wars in a theater and make no mistake about it, I will go see the movies. Can't deny that. On the other hand... is this really necessary? I mean, most of fans know the dialogs by heart and can even say trivia facts all the time.
Granted, Lucas doesn't need more money. Why do this? Beats me. From Io9:
t's official: George Lucas is working on a 3-D version of the original Star Wars, because apparently you haven't given him enough of your money. I've got to wonder, why is this necessary? What will be added by seeing Luke wave his lightsaber into an audience? Oh right: he'll make crap-tons of cash. Now if they had Luke's actual severed hand fall into the crowd, that would be worth watching. Am I the only one yearning for some original Lucas work? Click through for more details on the 3D Star Wars.
According to ComingSoon, Jeffrey Katzenberg confirmed that George Lucas is looking to repurpose the six Star Wars episodes into the 3-D format. And Ain't It Cool News reports that footage already debuted many years ago of a 3-D Episode IV that was breathtaking. Neat, but why so much with the 3-D? I feel like Hollywood is desperately pushing the 3-D craze down audiences' throats just because the Hannah Montana concert in 3-D was so popular. Sorry, Brendan Fraser, we can't all be Miss Montana.
This story has been around for over a year now. LucasFilm is aggressively developing the next generation of 3D technology and there has been speculation that they would use their Star Wars property to showcase it. From what has been seen of the effect they are creating, I hear it's amazing and I by releasing a SW film in this format would help to drive theater owners to adopt the format.
Cool idea, IMO.
Actually this story has been around for several years. It was being planned back when "Revenge of the Sith" came out. Whether it ever happens is another matter.
You know how much more can he skim off Star Wars.
I think it's a great idea. The more technology we can get that gets us closer to a holodeck, the better! :) Now, we just need smell-a-vision.
Star Wars in 3-D? I'm not really sold on that idea, but because I am fan of the films I'll be there the first day.
Oh yeah thats what really annoys me. I know i'll be there holding out my pounds for Lucas again. If ILM pulls it off it could be amazing especially the death star run with the shots coming at you.
I thought it was cool in the monochrome video game of the 80's, got dizzy a couple of times from flight sickness. :)
Quote from: moyer777 on July 25, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
I think it's a great idea. The more technology we can get that gets us closer to a holodeck, the better! :) Now, we just need smell-a-vision.
I agree with Rick. I want a Holodeck... They have to start somewhere. Might as well be 3D movies. I heard that Hollywood tries 3D films every time the movie industry flounders a little. It's a gimmick to get people into the theater.
I dunno. I'm still not sold on this 3d thing. I saw the last Harry Potter in 3d and wasn't so impressed.
You guys are kind of missing the point here. It's not an attempt by Lucas to wring a few more bucks out of the Star Wars movies. Between Clone Wars movie and TV show, The Force Unleashed video game, and a potential live actionSW series in a few years, I would say the franchise hasn't looked this good since 1999 and the return of the films to the theaters.
LucasFilm is looking at 3D as the film medium of the future. They are looking to revitalize and push forward the film industry. Theater are suffering with all the content available through other sources and need the next new thing to bring people out. Lucas wants to be on the cutting edge of that.
You know, i still say i will go and see a 3D star wars but i can not get out my head the words 'Fat Cat'
LOL! Well, it's just a way to showcase what might be an entirely new entertainment experience. I'll say agin that LucasFilm is looking to expand their biz beyond Sound and Film divisions.
Seems with the right film ("Iron Man", "The Dark Knight", "Indy," etc...) theaters are doing just fine. Content is what matters - not spending a lot more money at this point on new equipment. Most good theaters have been spending money the last few years to go to digital projection (which makes an awesome viewing experience). I'd say good luck to Lucas on getting theaters to bite on this. LFL has been trying to get 3D going for years now and not had much luck. Personally I'd rather have a new live action SW film and not a rehash - again - of the old ones.
Yup i'm with you Rico. I'm so looking forward to the new Clone Wars animation film because its new. I'm tired (though not bored) of seeing yet another Lucas version of Star Wars. Still could be worse it could be Howard the Duck in 3D ;)
Yes they have been working on these films the past four years. There is another thread buried in the forums about this. A few years ago I worked at a production company that was doing the actually 3D conversion. A co-worker of mine saw some of the scenes and said they were amazing. They plan on doing all six films starting with A New Hope.
I for one will shell out a few more bucks to see one of my all time favorite movie series in 3D.
Don't get me wrong, if they do make these and there is a theater near me that can play them I'm there on opening day. I just have my doubts about the whole concept.
Eh, 3-D never seems to work except at amusement parks and such. 3-D at home is worse as it doesn't work at all. We'll just have to see.
Lucas Says 3D "Star Wars" While Off
By Garth FranklinFriday, August 8th 2008 12:54am
image George Lucas tells Newsweek that 3D versions of the "Star Wars" films are a while off it seems.
Lucas says "We worked on some, with a company that was developing the technology a few years ago to convert films into 3-D, we worked with them. But the system works great. It's just not very practical."
Despite the setbacks, he seems set to continue with it - "What we've been working on since then is to develop a sort of practical way to do it. And we will get there. It's just a technological challenge."
There has been talk of this forever.. but it looks like it's finally happening.. this is from USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2010-09-29-starwars29_ST_N.htm (http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2010-09-29-starwars29_ST_N.htm)
'Star Wars' films going 3-D, starting with 'Phantom Menace'
By Anthony Breznican, USA TODAY
Star Wars has always taken place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Now it will take place in another dimension: 3-D.
Lucasfilm has decided to reprocess the series into that format and release the films in theaters again, starting in 2012 with the 1999 prequelThe Phantom Menace. It's only one-sixth of the news that Star Wars fans have been waiting to hear, but it's the first step toward converting the other prequels and original trilogy.
"The process is really extensive, and we want to make sure each of the films gets the attention it needs, so we're not ready to talk about the release patterns of the other films," says Lucasfilm spokeswoman Lynne Hale.
The highest-quality 3-D is achieved by shooting with cameras that capture two images simultaneously, just as two eyes would, which was the process used to film Avatar. But films that are not originally shot with 3-D cameras, such as the Star Wars series, can undergo a computerized refinishing that creates the illusion of depth.
It requires that each image in the film be scanned and slightly adjusted to create two images, as if viewed from two eyes. When those images are projected on a screen and viewed through polarized lenses, the brain perceives three dimensions.
But when the process is rushed, it can — in Star Wars terms — give people "a bad feeling about this."
Some recent 2-D films, such as the Clash of the Titans remake and The Last Airbender, were hastily converted shortly before their releases to claim the prestige (and higher ticket prices) of a 3-D experience, but audiences and critics balked at the low quality of the presentation. Even relentless 3-D prosthelytizer Jeffrey Katzenberg of DreamWorks Animation has scorned such quick changes as sloppy.
That's why Lucasfilm is being cautious and not locking itself into a strict timeline. Even the approximate season of release for The Phantom Menace in 2012 is being left open.
To oversee the conversion, the series is getting its own Jedi knight of digital imagery: John Knoll, visual effects supervisor for Industrial Light & Magic (and coincidentally the co-creator, with his brother, of Adobe Photoshop).
He described the process of converting the films as a partnership between a human artist and the digital precision of a computer, intricately studying and adjusting every frame.
"You're generating a synthetic second eye," Knoll says. "You're finding out where the boundaries of objects are in the scene and what their distance is to the camera, and you're using that information to generate (3-D)."
Only so much of the work can be done automatically by computer, and even then it has to be studied closely by a human being. "If you see a round object, you're reconstructing what is behind it," Knoll says, since both "eyes" see a slightly different perspective than the 2-D image allowed.
Although the prequels were shot more recently than the original trilogy, converting them will be more complicated because there is more intricacy to the background effects. Knoll cites a chase scene through a galactic city's floating traffic in Attack of the Clones as a particular challenge. "There are thousands and thousands of flying images," he says. "But the nice thing about stereo (visuals) is you get this wonderful immersive effect if it's done right."
LucasFilm has the cash to do this right.
Big announcement here:
http://www.starwars.com/ (http://www.starwars.com/)
Quote from: Bryancd on September 28, 2010, 07:11:00 PM
LucasFilm has the cash to do this right.
Rather they spent the cash on the live action TV series.
Yeah, bleh. I'm really having a hard time caring about this aside from being able to see Star Wars on the big screen again.
Quote from: billybob476 on September 29, 2010, 07:05:31 AM
Yeah, bleh. I'm really having a hard time caring about this aside from being able to see Star Wars on the big screen again.
I don't understand everyone is freaking out about this (not here, but online in general). I mean they aren't holding a gun to your head to go see these. If you are interested then go see them if you are not then don't.
I for one am very excited to not only see the original movies on the big screen again but to see what they do with the new 3D. Like Bryan said Lucas has enough money to do it right.
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on September 29, 2010, 10:25:08 AM
I don't understand everyone is freaking out about this (not here, but online in general). I mean they aren't holding a gun to your head to go see these. If you are interested then go see them if you are not then don't.
I for one am very excited to not only see the original movies on the big screen again but to see what they do with the new 3D. Like Bryan said Lucas has enough money to do it right.
I'm with you, Kenny! I am cynical enough about a great many things, STAR WARS isn't one of them. I love it all and will consume it with reckless abandon! 3D? Hell yes! 47 re-releases of the DVD with :15 of extra footage? I'm buying! I'm a Lucas sucker/apologist/sycophant and proud!!!
Quote from: Rico on September 29, 2010, 07:03:17 AM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 28, 2010, 07:11:00 PM
LucasFilm has the cash to do this right.
Rather they spent the cash on the live action TV series.
Thought they were doing that anyways....?
Quote from: Blackride on September 29, 2010, 11:31:26 AM
Quote from: Rico on September 29, 2010, 07:03:17 AM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 28, 2010, 07:11:00 PM
LucasFilm has the cash to do this right.
Rather they spent the cash on the live action TV series.
Thought they were doing that anyways....?
Not right now. On indefinite hold. Frankly, probably to work on this 3-D thing. Sigh....
Oh, I can see why some people might be a bit bothered by this. You guys know I love "Star Wars" but Lucas has milked this cow of six films dry. I mean, make some new content. I think people are just feeling a bit used. And yes, no one is forcing anyone to see these 3-D versions (oh - I'll definitely go still), but I think it still bothers them to see this constant re-re-re-re-edit-release of the same movies.
I honestly think that this is nothing more than a lucas money grab for the sole purpose of getting Star Wars back into the #1 position of top grossing film.
I was fooled once with the special edition, which could have been release direct to video with no problems as a director's cut. I don't plan on being fooled again.
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 12:54:51 PM
I honestly think that this is nothing more than a lucas money grab for the sole purpose of getting Star Wars back into the #1 position of top grossing film.
I was fooled once with the special edition, which could have been release direct to video with no problems as a director's cut. I don't plan on being fooled again.
Just out of curiosity, how exactly does one get fooled into going to see a movie they have seen before? :blink
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 12:54:51 PM
I honestly think that this is nothing more than a lucas money grab for the sole purpose of getting Star Wars back into the #1 position of top grossing film.
I was fooled once with the special edition, which could have been release direct to video with no problems as a director's cut. I don't plan on being fooled again.
I don't feel like a fool for seeing the different versions of Star Wars. I enjoyed the originals when they came out, I enjoyed the special edition when they came out and I'll enjoy the 3D versions when they come out.
Quote from: Rico on September 29, 2010, 12:52:54 PM
Oh, I can see why some people might be a bit bothered by this. You guys know I love "Star Wars" but Lucas has milked this cow of six films dry. I mean, make some new content. I think people are just feeling a bit used. And yes, no one is forcing anyone to see these 3-D versions (oh - I'll definitely go still), but I think it still bothers them to see this constant re-re-re-re-edit-release of the same movies.
But that's my point.. why does it bother people.. why do people care what Lucas does with "HIS" Star Wars series. He created something extremely special and if he wants to milk it for everything it's worth then who are any of us to say otherwise. We didn't create it.. he did, it's his to do with whatever his heart desire. If you don't like it.. you don't buy it or watch it.
People will always have an opinion about things, whether it directly impacts them or not. You should know that especially well Kenny. And frankly, this constant going back to the well appears greedy. Sports stars, celebs, CEO's, etc. are always examined by some people based on the money they make, etc. I guess it's human nature - to a degree. For me personally the only thing that bothers me is I wish he would use his money and time to work on new stuff. I don't care if he puts out C-3PO cereal to make more money (oh, wait,...) or stick R2 on toilet tissue (oh, wait,...). I just want new movies! ;)
Well, he did make new movies. And everyone said he destroyed their childhood. Frankly at this point Lucas is so famous and so successful that anything he does will not live up to what we built up Star Wars to be.
Quote from: billybob476 on September 29, 2010, 01:35:52 PM
Well, he did make new movies. And everyone said he destroyed their childhood. Frankly at this point Lucas is so famous and so successful that anything he does will not live up to what we built up Star Wars to be.
Well I wouldn't say "everyone" says he destroyed their childhood.. I wouldn't say that but I do know what you are saying and yes it's true.. whatever he does not everyone will be happy with it.
hehe right, "everyone" is a sweeping generalization. I enjoy the prequels. Let's just say there is a vocal group that claims Lucas destroyed their childhoods. :)
Yeah, they don't come much more overbearing and opinionated than me but I have no issue whatsover what Lucas does with his property and franchise. I will say that this 3D project is a drop in the bucket compared to producing new live TV content, so I don't see this as being the cause for the postponement of the live action show.
Quote from: Bryancd on September 29, 2010, 01:03:57 PM
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 12:54:51 PM
I honestly think that this is nothing more than a lucas money grab for the sole purpose of getting Star Wars back into the #1 position of top grossing film.
I was fooled once with the special edition, which could have been release direct to video with no problems as a director's cut. I don't plan on being fooled again.
Just out of curiosity, how exactly does one get fooled into going to see a movie they have seen before? :blink
I felt like a fool because it wasn't worth what I paid for it. To make matters worse, he went back and changed the edits that he edited when it came out on DVD. If it was what he wanted, why edit it again? If it wasn't what he wanted, why rerelease it in the first place.
I think my final straw came with the last batch of DVDs. I still hate that they took out the ewok song, but to have the ghost of Christian Hayden there in the final scene kind of craps on the guy that played Vader in the first place. The whole element of the older redeemed father looking down on his son was pretty much ruined by replacing him with young Anakin.
I think George has repeatedly gone back to the well because he has nothing left to do. He charges of for changes that he made, then changes those changes the first chance he gets. Either he's trying to milk the franchise and ruin it in the process, or he doesn't know what to do, so he is just ruining star wars because he can't find a new franchise. I'm just not going to fall for it again. I'm not going to pay for things several times while he edits his edits.
I feel like screaming "its a movie people!". Go to see it if you want. I am not going to go sit it just because I have no real interest in seeing it in 3D. It does not make me any less of a Star Wars fan for it.
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:34:13 PM
I felt like a fool because it wasn't worth what I paid for it.
That's fair enough, but what did you expect? If memory serves, it was advertised as being an improved, cleaned up version of the OT with some added scenes. Isn't that what we got?
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on September 29, 2010, 01:11:47 PM
Quote from: Rico on September 29, 2010, 12:52:54 PM
Oh, I can see why some people might be a bit bothered by this. You guys know I love "Star Wars" but Lucas has milked this cow of six films dry. I mean, make some new content. I think people are just feeling a bit used. And yes, no one is forcing anyone to see these 3-D versions (oh - I'll definitely go still), but I think it still bothers them to see this constant re-re-re-re-edit-release of the same movies.
But that's my point.. why does it bother people.. why do people care what Lucas does with "HIS" Star Wars series. He created something extremely special and if he wants to milk it for everything it's worth then who are any of us to say otherwise. We didn't create it.. he did, it's his to do with whatever his heart desire. If you don't like it.. you don't buy it or watch it.
Well, I think you answered your question in your question. People are saying that they aren't interested because it bothered them. I'm pretty sure that if it didn't bother them, the might be interested. I also think you're preaching to the choir. I don't think people are saying that they have to see it. I think people are saying they will or won't see it. It's kind of a moot point. I don't think that you need to jump on a praise George bandwagon to be a fan of star wars. I don't think that you need to just grin and smile everytime he decides to change something. I think it's fine to vocalize being annoyed at what he is doing with the franchise. Sure he made it and it's his, but that doesn't mean that we have to like what he's doing with it.
I can tell you that the more he makes these changes, the less inclined I am to share Star Wars with my kids. It makes me feel like he's afraid that the franchise won't stand the test of time, so he's doing everything he can to keep it relevant, but in that process, he's ruining it for some people.
That doesn't mean their opinions are valid and I think that they are more than valid. A classic should stand on it's own. We shouldn't be messing with the special effects. Which is funny because that's what they have done with two of my favorite franchises. Trek and wars.
In the end if you want to re do all the special effect and then decide to bring it into the 3d generation, why not do something daring and actually remake the movie? Why pull your punches and do everything short of remaking it?
Regardless of all of that, Han shot first.
Quote from: Bryancd on September 29, 2010, 04:40:46 PM
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:34:13 PM
I felt like a fool because it wasn't worth what I paid for it.
That's fair enough, but what did you expect? If memory serves, it was advertised as being an improved, cleaned up version of the OT with some added scenes. Isn't that what we got?
I did and I enjoyed it, but when it came out on DVD, those edits were edited yet again and I was left wondering what was the purpose of the movie release. The movie I saw wasn't the movie that I could by. It felt like I was paying to be a beta tester and then he decides to go another route with the DVD. I think I'd feel better if he actually stood behind his product a little more.
I think that if he wanted to highlight new technologies, he could have done so without the need to create multiple versions of the same film so close together.
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:45:33 PM
It makes me feel like he's afraid that the franchise won't stand the test of time, so he's doing everything he can to keep it relevant, but in that process, he's ruining it for some people.
Regardless of all of that, Han shot first.
That's an interesting question. I honestly believe he is trying to make STAR WARS what was in his head all those years ago as opposed to trying to keep it relevant. But as all things that age, I'm not sure even he knows what he originally intended and is having to sort of recreate his whole thought process. I do think had the $ and technology been available back in the mid '70's and he could have gone wild, the movies would not have been as good as they are.
And yes, Han indeed shot first. That one correction was defiantly for the sensibility of the younger audience of today, or then in 1995, and a mistake.
Sometimes, enough is enough.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#A_New_Hope (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#A_New_Hope)
edit: posted the wrong link
Quote from: Bryancd on September 29, 2010, 04:51:21 PM
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:45:33 PM
It makes me feel like he's afraid that the franchise won't stand the test of time, so he's doing everything he can to keep it relevant, but in that process, he's ruining it for some people.
Regardless of all of that, Han shot first.
That's an interesting question. I honestly believe he is trying to make STAR WARS what was in his head all those years ago as opposed to trying to keep it relevant. But as all things that age, I'm not sure even he knows what he originally intended and is having to sort of recreate his whole thought process. I do think had the $ and technology been available back in the mid '70's and he could have gone wild, the movies would not have been as good as they are.
And yes, Han indeed shot first. That one correction was defiantly for the sensibility of the younger audience of today, or then in 1995, and a mistake.
I totally agree with you here. My major complain is the lack of balls. If you want to use all this new tech and stuff, why not bite the bullet and do a remake? Leave the originals alone and remake the franchise. I mean it can't be worse than what he's been doing to it. It might even be better because it would be a single story and not Frankenstein's Monster of patch work revisions and edits with crisp effects faling to blend well with the old effects.
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:58:18 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 29, 2010, 04:51:21 PM
Quote from: X on September 29, 2010, 04:45:33 PM
It makes me feel like he's afraid that the franchise won't stand the test of time, so he's doing everything he can to keep it relevant, but in that process, he's ruining it for some people.
Regardless of all of that, Han shot first.
That's an interesting question. I honestly believe he is trying to make STAR WARS what was in his head all those years ago as opposed to trying to keep it relevant. But as all things that age, I'm not sure even he knows what he originally intended and is having to sort of recreate his whole thought process. I do think had the $ and technology been available back in the mid '70's and he could have gone wild, the movies would not have been as good as they are.
And yes, Han indeed shot first. That one correction was defiantly for the sensibility of the younger audience of today, or then in 1995, and a mistake.
I totally agree with you here. My major complain is the lack of balls. If you want to use all this new tech and stuff, why not bite the bullet and do a remake? Leave the originals alone and remake the franchise. I mean it can't be worse than what he's been doing to it. It might even be better because it would be a single story and not Frankenstein's Monster of patch work revisions and edits with crisp effects faling to blend well with the old effects.
No more damn remakes. I'm sick and tired of every franchise being remade, how about we add onto it? Or make something new? Just...just no remakes.
Well, that's just it, I think he keeps adding stuff because his vision is in perpetual motion as technology allows for more visual innovation. He can't stop himself!
All 6 movies?? Why would I pay over $10 to see a 25 year-old movie? This is nothing more than a money grab
I have no issues with the movies being re-released in theaters. Frankly if they did it every year I'd go to experience them on the big screen. I just don't personally care for 3D.
I have no problem with Star Wars 3D and I'd love to go see it in the theatres as I never had the SW theatrical experience but I di agree that we should get NEW material.
Not sure what problem Lucas has with doing this. It's a huge universe with lots of stories to tell. I'd love to see what happened after Jedi for example, on the big screen.
How good could it really look if the 3D effect is added in post? Especially to footage they shot in 1977? I could be wrong but it was my understanding that 3D only works well when shot with two cameras and the post effect doesn't look right.
Quote from: AlanP on October 03, 2010, 03:24:58 PM
How good could it really look if the 3D effect is added in post? Especially to footage they shot in 1977? I could be wrong but it was my understanding that 3D only works well when shot with two cameras and the post effect doesn't look right.
Very true but I bet Lucas Film pushes this retroactive 3D technology to a new level. This won't be like the crap 3D they did with "Clash of the Titans" or other 2D films up converted to 3D. I'm willing to say now the result will be much more satisfying. If it's "worth" it is up to you, but I know I'll be happy to pony up the dough!
Quote from: Bryancd on October 03, 2010, 04:02:31 PM
Quote from: AlanP on October 03, 2010, 03:24:58 PM
How good could it really look if the 3D effect is added in post? Especially to footage they shot in 1977? I could be wrong but it was my understanding that 3D only works well when shot with two cameras and the post effect doesn't look right.
Very true but I bet Lucas Film pushes this retroactive 3D technology to a new level. This won't be like the crap 3D they did with "Clash of the Titans" or other 2D films up converted to 3D. I'm willing to say now the result will be much more satisfying. If it's "worth" it is up to you, but I know I'll be happy to pony up the dough!
Yeah, I agree with Bryan, Lucas has balked for so long at doing 3D that it wasn't until Avatar came out that he revisited and (obviously) decided there was potential. But the vague release date makes me believe they won't release till they're happy. And that might not even be 2012. If Lucas and the team is going to do it, they'll do it right or not at all....ignoring some of the film special edition tweaks and some of the Prequels.....mistakes ;)
The last rumor I had heard before reading this post was Lucas had toyed with the idea of using the Avatar technology to make episodes 7, 8, and 9 with Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, etc. But that goes back a ways.