Abrams next TV show - "Revolution"

Started by Rico, May 09, 2012, 03:08:13 PM

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I still think he had a stash of Snickers that he dug into after tilling his garden. lol. I don't think he has enough room in his backpack for some though. This is a great discussion.


Tis last episode almost lost me but rallied at the end...

[spoiler]The pack of dogs and the fake twister used to create tension really failed for me and I was getting worried. But then the ending really surprised me and saved the episode.[/spoiler]


I really like this series but I did get behind on it. And I found out they are taking a hiatus until I think it was March. Way to long.
Just watched episode #6 called 'Sex and Drugs' and they go to try to get help from somebody Miles knows and we come to find out he's growing Heroin (sorry I don't know if I spelled that right) and somebody not to far away keeps burning the crops. To make a long story short Charlie has to go to the other place a take care of the leader of the crop burners. Turns out they are at the Ohio State University - Dept of Engineering!! GO BUCKS! That's in my neck of the woods! Central Ohio! I just thought that was pretty cool. At least I know where to go if the lights go out!


I got caught up on this show about a week ago thanks to Hulu. I really like it and I really need to stay caught up on it when it returns on March 25. Yes, I said March 25. That is way to long. The mid-season finale was very good and it had a great cliffhanger.
The character of Captain Tom Neville really drives me nuts and I really want somebody to take him out. It won't happen since he's a main charater but I can hope. The actor that protrays him does an awesome job.



We have only had the first 2 episodes broadcast last night, and I enjoyed it, will watch episode 2 in the morning.   I don't know the names of the characters yet, but the woman gave the asmer inhaler to the young man she helped...after 15 years that thing would have been useless!!


Just wanted to give this show a bump and some love, last nights episode was really good.


I have let the show build up in my queue. I'm several episodes behind and about ready to just give up on it, cause I hate how they had potential many times and they always seem to not follow through with it, and every episode it just makes me angry, cause I hate all the characters cause they are so unbelievable and dull.

Maybe I'll catch up. The only reason I think I'm still watching is there's not much else on TV that I can watch.


I'm about 4 episodes behind and I really want to get caught up. I really like the show and after watching the episode "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" I really want to find out what happens next! I thought it was really cool that they went into another "country".


That's great you guys like it. I just don't see it. I have so many problems with it, mostly I hate a good majority of the characters. Especially Neville and Rachel, I just don't believe hardly any thing they do, their characters are so undefined to me. The worst part to me is I've felt like it has potential, and they've shown signs of beginning to build some really good arks and they just don't follow through. It honestly makes me so angry watching the show. I've had last weeks episode sitting in my queue all week, just haven't been able to watch it. Watching the show is like a anger management exercise for me, and I just haven't wanted to put myself through that yet. Honestly I'm just about ready to call it quits for this show. I just don't have the patience or the time.