NEVER…Bring a Light Saber to a Party

Started by Geekyfanboy, February 23, 2007, 12:05:44 AM

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Saw this video on Slice of Sci Fi's website.. it's pretty funny.

**** Warning: Language ****


Darth Gaos

LOL....that was cool....sort of a grown up sequel to Troops....I love the guy trying the mind trick..."You're not going to arrest me."
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?



That was too funny!   :roflmao  It was great.  If you find anything else that is this funny, please let us know right away.  LOL.  Thanks for the laugs, 'cause I needed that. 


"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Oh yeah, I've seen that one.  :D
Looks like one of my neighbors' parties. Maybe my neighbors' Thursday, all night "Beer Binge Discos" wouldn't bother me as much if they had a kick butt lightsaber duel instead parking their craptacular party mobiles in my front yard, and dancing in the street outside our bedroom window while yelling "yeeeeeeeehawwww" over and over, as loud as they can, at the thunderstorm baring down on our small college town.......... :hate

...Do I have a problem with frat parties? No. Why do you ask? :blink
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


only in texas do they have wild partys, only in Texas
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


we live in a little quiet neighborhood, but one night out next door neighbors left their teenage son home for the weekend.  Wow.  We had a zillion cars, more beer than you can shake a stick at and we got to hear more things than we even care to discuss.  But the most crazy part was the kids with the electic guitar blazing at 3 a.m.  He was attempting to play smoke on the water,but let me tell you, it was more like, drink water and don't smoke whatever you are....

heheh, to be young and crazy.


They eventually came home and freaked out.  He was underage and the house was a mess.  Boy did we have stories.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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lol well there is a creepy house (creepy as in myserious) and they ALWAYS have partys, they called a police officer because our car was outside of our house forever and if they are having a party i go to sleep with TONS of laughs
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Quote from: moyer777 on April 16, 2007, 08:02:57 AM
we live in a little quiet neighborhood, but one night out next door neighbors left their teenage son home for the weekend.  Wow.  We had a zillion cars, more beer than you can shake a stick at and we got to hear more things than we even care to discuss.  But the most crazy part was the kids with the electic guitar blazing at 3 a.m.  He was attempting to play smoke on the water,but let me tell you, it was more like, drink water and don't smoke whatever you are....

heheh, to be young and crazy.


They eventually came home and freaked out.  He was underage and the house was a mess.  Boy did we have stories.

Oh that sounds like my street. Only I live a mile from the University and the Frat houses are all around me. Smoke on the Water huh? That's too funny. A couple of years ago a crowd of drunken, college students started singing David Alan Coe's "You Never Even Called Me By My Name". I like that song but not off key at 2 a.m. on a week night.
They kept singing these lyrics over and overâ€"guess they didn't know the rest of the song:

    Well, I was drunk the day my Mom got out of prison,
    And I went to pick her up in the rain,
    But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck,
    She got runned over by a damned old train.

I wanted to go outside and teach them the rest of the song! I was close....really close.  :(
When are they going to invent real lightsabers? I'd love to watch the frat boys duel through the blinds, like the old grouchy lady I am.  :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


lol from the lil vader and barns and noble post you look young
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper