Next book

Started by Duffster, February 20, 2008, 11:11:48 AM

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I am looking forward to the next book we decide on. I agree that it will take some time to get a good groove going, and for me personally sometimes I have a difficult time getting what is in my head into a coherent written thought.
Some books lend themselfs more to deeper discussion then Others. I have always found books in series to have more places for discussion or thought, then stand alone books (at least from the Star Wars books I read, case in point the Legacy of the Force series). I think the more we do this, the better discussion posts we will get. I know for the Titan thread, Kevin made some excellent posts, hopefully over time I can work myself up to that level.


Discussions will vary I am sure. I guess some of my disappointment was that it looked like there was a lot of initial excitement about the Heinlein book, but it ended up with very little conversation. It was definitely the "deepest" book we have read so far, and one of my favorites, so I was hoping for more interest. Life does get in the way sometimes, so hopefully the next books will elicit more conversations.

I really hope that there is interest to read more then Star Wars and Star Trek novels. Although I enjoy them, there are so many other really good Sci-fi books out there that have really deep, interesting themes. It would be a shame to not include them as well.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


I would get a list up soon to vote on.  So we can decide on the next book and buy it.


Duffster is, The HugoNaut