Star Wars 3D

Started by Chief, July 25, 2008, 04:17:06 AM

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Oh no... George is at it again.

Lucas is pushing a new version of Star Wars for theaters only this time it will be on 3D. I have mixed feelings for this.

On the one hand it's always great to see Star Wars in a theater and make no mistake about it, I will go see the movies. Can't deny that. On the other hand... is this really necessary? I mean, most of fans know the dialogs by heart and can even say trivia facts all the time.

Granted, Lucas doesn't need more money. Why do this? Beats me. From Io9:

t's official: George Lucas is working on a 3-D version of the original Star Wars, because apparently you haven't given him enough of your money. I've got to wonder, why is this necessary? What will be added by seeing Luke wave his lightsaber into an audience? Oh right: he'll make crap-tons of cash. Now if they had Luke's actual severed hand fall into the crowd, that would be worth watching. Am I the only one yearning for some original Lucas work? Click through for more details on the 3D Star Wars.

According to ComingSoon, Jeffrey Katzenberg confirmed that George Lucas is looking to repurpose the six Star Wars episodes into the 3-D format. And Ain't It Cool News reports that footage already debuted many years ago of a 3-D Episode IV that was breathtaking. Neat, but why so much with the 3-D? I feel like Hollywood is desperately pushing the 3-D craze down audiences' throats just because the Hannah Montana concert in 3-D was so popular. Sorry, Brendan Fraser, we can't all be Miss Montana.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


This story has been around for over a year now. LucasFilm is aggressively developing the next generation of 3D technology and there has been speculation that they would use their Star Wars property to showcase it. From what has been seen of the effect they are creating, I hear it's amazing and I by releasing a SW film in this format would help to drive theater owners to adopt the format.

Cool idea, IMO.


Actually this story has been around for several years.  It was being planned back when "Revenge of the Sith" came out.  Whether it ever happens is another matter.


You know how much more can he skim off Star Wars.


I think it's a great idea.  The more technology we can get that gets us closer to a holodeck, the better!  :)  Now, we just need smell-a-vision.

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Star Wars in 3-D?  I'm not really sold on that idea, but because I am fan of the films I'll be there the first day.


Oh yeah thats what really annoys me. I know i'll be there holding out my pounds for Lucas again. If ILM pulls it off it could be amazing especially the death star run with the shots coming at you.


I thought it was cool in the monochrome video game of the 80's, got dizzy a couple of times from flight sickness.  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Quote from: moyer777 on July 25, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
I think it's a great idea.  The more technology we can get that gets us closer to a holodeck, the better!  :)  Now, we just need smell-a-vision.

I agree with Rick. I want a Holodeck... They have to start somewhere. Might as well be 3D movies. I heard that Hollywood tries 3D films every time the movie industry flounders a little. It's a gimmick to get people into the theater.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I dunno. I'm still not sold on this 3d thing. I saw the last Harry Potter in 3d and wasn't so impressed.


You guys are kind of missing the point here. It's not an attempt by Lucas to wring a few more bucks out of the Star Wars movies. Between Clone Wars movie and TV show, The Force Unleashed video game, and a potential live actionSW series in a few years, I would say the franchise hasn't looked this good since 1999 and the return of the films to the theaters.
LucasFilm is looking at 3D as the film medium of the future. They are looking to revitalize and push forward the film industry. Theater are suffering with all the content available through other sources and need the next new thing to bring people out. Lucas wants to be on the cutting edge of that.


You know, i still say i will go and see a 3D star wars but i can  not get out my head the words 'Fat Cat'


LOL! Well, it's just a way to showcase what might be an entirely new entertainment experience. I'll say agin that LucasFilm is looking to expand their biz beyond Sound and Film divisions.


Seems with the right film ("Iron Man", "The Dark Knight", "Indy," etc...) theaters are doing just fine.  Content is what matters - not spending a lot more money at this point on new equipment.  Most good theaters have been spending money the last few years to go to digital projection (which makes an awesome viewing experience).  I'd say good luck to Lucas on getting theaters to bite on this.  LFL has been trying to get 3D going for years now and not had much luck.  Personally I'd rather have a new live action SW film and not a rehash - again - of the old ones.


Yup i'm with you Rico. I'm so looking forward to the new Clone Wars animation film because its new. I'm tired (though not bored) of seeing yet another Lucas version of Star Wars. Still could be worse it could be Howard the Duck in 3D ;)