Be nice I am new

Started by Archangela, March 22, 2006, 06:12:14 PM

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My name is Angela. My first admission is that I am bi-I love Star Trek and Star Wars. If you love Sci Fi it is possible to let them all into your heart. I am pretty much a full on Sci Fi and fantasy geek girl. Don't ask me about star dates but I am good with episode names. Currently I am really into Battlestar Galactica, though I am not sure about that season finale...October!!! Gimme a break.

Anyway, I am a friend/co-worker of Jenny's and we like to bore/scare our fellow workers by having Trek and Sci Fi conversations starting with the words "who would win in a fight....?"

My favorite Trek captain is Pickard. Favorite Trek character is Data. I identify most with Jane mainly because she is a chick in a leadership position and so am I.

Still learning the ways of the forum so next post will be less boring and more colorful. Engage.

Angela, like an angel but with an "ah"
"Captain, I protest, I am not a merry man!"


Welcome aboard Angela.  Glad to have you with us!  Oh, and Galactica is the best!  October is way too far away!


Yeah! So glad you joined the forum!  Now we can speak geek freely and be understood!
Angela is also BIG into Buffy The Vampire Slayer. 
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


PLEASE ACCUSE MY BLUNTNESS, BUT ITS PICARD!!!!! hes my favorite character and i take it personally when people disrespect him, no offence to you, im sure u made a simple typo, anyways welcome to the forum, enjoy.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


"Is there a John- Luck -Pickerd here?"--Q
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Be nice now...typos happen
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Picard.. don't make me turn the hose on you!!! She didn't disrespect Picard.. she said he was her favorite Captain.

Anyways Welcome Angela.. most of us won't attack you on your first post. :biggrin


im sorry but sometimes i just cant help it. and please dont quote Q if it is an insult directed towards Picard, lol.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Hello, Thank you so much.

Geez, didn't I say be nice. I take abuse all day from brave people behind computers it is cool. My husband is drumming in my ear. It is so awesome that we have an anonymous space where we can be mean to people we would be afraid to approach in public. Didn't think I would get attacked. And don't take it personally...I am a talker, not a writer and never claimed to be anything else. 

Although I noticed that I also mistyped "Jane" instead of Janeway so if you are going to be mean at least be thorough.

Have a great day!


It is sad that you can't type sarcasm.
"Captain, I protest, I am not a merry man!"


personal attacks arent allowed here and i didnt mean anything i said in a bad way. u will soon learn that as hard as it is, i try to master the art of typing sarcasticly. you will notice that i use a lot of lol's and other expressions, :)
Star Trek Will Rise Again


That's kinda what I meant anyway about the sarcasm. I was being a bit sarcastic as well with the pointing out my own mistake thing. I admit it was jolting and I did get the impression that I was being attacked sort of. But it is totally cool. I will get used to it I am sure. The last time I was doing this regularly was in the old irc days. Otherwise I have been posting on sites with people I know. This is different.

On a totally random note, I was wardrobe mistress for a play that Picard's real life son was in and we got to meet him. However, I must admit that I stayed away because he was there to see his son in a play and not to be attacked. I watched from afar. He is very small but so hot. Anyway, I also met Troi. I gave her an autographed picture of myself. I am sure she thought I was crazy but I like to change things up a bit   :cheering

So what is your story Mr. Picard? Do tell.

Thank you all for support. I appreciate the warm welcome and I promise to spell check in the future as I would  not want to cause anything.

So we cool??
"Captain, I protest, I am not a merry man!"


indeed. u will get to know us soon. u will find that we tend to go more for Trek then star wars. and u stole the picture thing from me. lol. i cant believe u do that. Cause i sent Worf a pic and i wrote, Here is an autographed picture of me, i would like to trade it for one of you..... sadly i never got a responce or a picture from him. the picture was really cool though, i photoshoped myself onto the bridge.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


That rocks. I just stood in line to get her picture signed and I happened to have a picture of an ad I had modeled for because they had just been printed. I walked up and she signed my First Contact and then I picked up her pen and signed my add and said thank you. She was like "This is you.?!?!?" I hope that she at least was able to take a moment and realize that was not what she was expecting. She was very cool.

Okay I am off to look for typos in all of your posts  :innocent

Later AA
"Captain, I protest, I am not a merry man!"


yeah, ive never met her but have heard that she is one of the friendlier st people. she always has a smile for the fans. My cousin met John Delancy (Q). he was at a peter, paul, and mary concert. they shook his hand, then i shook my cousins hand later. so it was like i shook his hand too.... almost.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Picard, you might want to use some capitalization and cut back on the shortcut speech (u for you, etc.) if you're going to correct other folks posts.  But Angela seemed to take the comments in stride - which is a good thing.  On another note, I'm also a big Buffy/Angel fan Angela.  Did you see my latest prop in the collectible section?  The slayer scythe.  It's a very cool piece.  :)