Netflix Blues.

Started by alanp, November 15, 2008, 09:16:21 AM

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I love Netflix.  Use them all the time, Recommend them to everyone, etc.  But some days....  Well, they do normally have things out within one business day.  But this week everything went wrong from the holiday disruption of the mail to mail being slower than normal in general, to my shipping center not having the movies topping my queue. I sent my movies in last friday before the mail was picked up at the local post office.  They were received on Tuesday, the movies shipped out  on Wednesday all from other centers, said it would be here on Saturday.  None of them made it Saturday.  So assuming they get here Monday, that's 11 days between when my last movies left to my next movies arrive!  I can't watching anything on the computer on their site because they don't yet support mac.  Though they have promised for quite some time to have that working.

So I'm putting their streaming set top box on my wish list this year!

Dan M

Isn't that rewarding them for poor service, Alan?

I've had one or two delays in my Netflix service, but nothing like what you described.  It sounds like just an unlucky perfect storm of things.  I feel your pain.

This is the one way that Blockbuster's service is superior to Netflix.  You had the option (at least back when I was a member) of driving down to your local store and renting something there.


They are normally better.  There were weeks where I really got 3 shipments per week!  To do that I would have to watch them in the early afternoon before work and get them back to the post office before the mail was picked up again. 

The nearest Blockbuster is about 45 miles away so that's out.


This week was a bit shaky for me too from Netflix.  Most of it due to the Post Office.  They nearly destroyed one envelope/disc.


Quote from: AlanP on November 15, 2008, 09:16:21 AM
I love Netflix.  Use them all the time, Recommend them to everyone, etc.  But some days....  Well, they do normally have things out within one business day.  But this week everything went wrong from the holiday disruption of the mail to mail being slower than normal in general, to my shipping center not having the movies topping my queue. I sent my movies in last friday before the mail was picked up at the local post office.  They were received on Tuesday, the movies shipped out  on Wednesday all from other centers, said it would be here on Saturday.  None of them made it Saturday.  So assuming they get here Monday, that's 11 days between when my last movies left to my next movies arrive!  I can't watching anything on the computer on their site because they don't yet support mac.  Though they have promised for quite some time to have that working.

So I'm putting their streaming set top box on my wish list this year!

I'm picking up netflix again only because they will be streaming to 360 in a few days. I dropped them a few month ago because I got three back to back damaged disks or they never came when I was suposed to get them.

with my xbox, I'm going to be using netflix mainly for the streaming and not even bother with man discs


And nothing from netflix in the mail today either!


They came in today, finally.  I called them and they made it right by giving me some bonus rentals.  They also gave me the address mac users can use to view movies online.  I'll get it posted in Tech Topics.


Well, I got a broken disc in the mail today.  The postal service seems to really be destroying the Netflix stuff for me lately.