The Sarah Connor Chronicles - spoilers

Started by Geekyfanboy, August 29, 2006, 11:13:00 AM

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I really enjoyed the episode.  It seems like they are getting better and better as the show progresses.  And now that it has been picked up for the complete season, I am looking forward to more of the same.

I really like Ellison in this episode and I feel like the relationship between John and the girl is believable -- how can John appreciate saving humanity without experiencing what it means to be human and experience something more than just fear and anxiety.  I am not sure I believe Cromartie is dead.  I thought his model had multiple chips so if they only removed one....

Personally, I think they should keep John going to the psychiatrist.  It would give us an insight into his mind/perspectives and help keep him sane.  And it provides the eventual gateway into the Connors finding out about the T1000.



I thought it was kind of a rip off of vantage point.  But that was ok.  I would like to see it pushed further on.


Which was a rip off of about a hundred other movies up to and including the ending of Clue.


Just finished watching the last 3 episodes (8, 9, and 10).  WOW. An interestingly constructed, action-packed pay-off episode (Ep. eight), a head-scratcher that touched on the paradox inherent in time travel (ep. 9), and a fairly large reveal in episode 10.  This show is rapidly becoming one of my favorites since BSG took a break.  Anyone else still watching it? 


I'm still watching and digging it!  EXCELLENT!  I think the John character is doing great, and with his girlfriend being what she is..  wow!  This is going to get complicated quickly.

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Yep; the reveal on his girlfriend caught me by surprise!  I'm kinda worried about Sarah though-- it looks like she's starting to loose it.


I am still avidly watching the show.  I cannot believe that Ellison will still work with the company after having seen Cromartie's body being used by the Turk.  Without his original chip, I am assuming that the Turk is using the body but that his A.I. is still stored in the computers behind him.  Yo Ellison! Wake up, dude!

So who does everyone think the girlfriend really is?  What is her mission?

Jessie must be in an alternate reality because if John sent Cameron to the past, how can she possibly still be in the future?  I do not buy that aspect of the paradox.  Or maybe Jessie came to the past from a point in the future that was before Cameron got sent back... (ouch, brain hurts)

If Cameron is damaged now, wouldn't that mean her future self (in the timeline prior to her being sent back) would also now be damaged?  Kinda like in Timecop?


The scene with Cromartie/Turk was uber-creepy.  I'm guessing Ellison's first instict will be to react with outrage, but that he'll get sucked in by the prospect of trying to instill some morals in the Turk.

That, or the Red-haired terminator is going to kill him.

About the girlfriend; it seems like she's a traumatized future orphan that somehow got sucked into Jessie's crowd.  The fact that Reese doesn't recognize her as being from the future, plus the fact that he didn't remember the torture by the West Wing guy, seems to support the hypothesis that Jessie and the Girlfriend come from an alternate future (now my brain hurts).  Her mission:  To drive a wedge between John and Cameron, and facilitate Jessie's termination of Cameron.  All of this to prevent the John from their future from being Terminator-whipped by Alternate Future Cameron.  I think.   :-\


Wow, best episode in a while.  Good stuff, check it out if you missed it.



Liked the John fight.  Good stuff.

And the "No computer generated crap you see today"  I agree

The only thing I don't get is when/why did Camron befriend the guy in the records office?


I suppose she has been doing research trying to find other anamolies that could indicate another SkyNet intrusion from the future.


Quote from: RickPeete on December 02, 2008, 06:28:00 PM
I suppose she has been doing research trying to find other anamolies that could indicate another SkyNet intrusion from the future.
Makes sense to me.  And it was a little chilling to see how easily she moved on from the sick guy to his replacement. 
By the way; who was the politician guy she "saw" the terminator killing at the podium?  I feel like I missed something...


That was a cool episode, I liked the twist how the Terminator finished building the Hotel to make sure the future would play out, liked how he hid in the wall for all those years, very patient lol


Ok, I'm all caught up on the show.  Just watched the most recent one last night.  I'm liking the series more, but each week it seems there are more questions.

1) What is up with Riley and Jesse?  What's their plan??
2) What is up with Cameron?  Does she have an agenda or just broken?
3) WAKE UP Ellison!
4) The T-888 that ended up back in the 1920's was sent to kill someone in 2010.  Who was he suppose to kill and why?  And what year are they in?  2008??
5) What do the three dots mean?

Again, still enjoying the series but things are getting a bit confusing.  I think the idea of the series is the future isn't fixed.  Where the movies were generally about just protecting John Connor, the series seems to be trying to rewrite the future.  Stop Skynet from ever happening.  I'm curious at how all this will play out.


I just got done watching the latest episode.  It was kind of cool, kind of like cold case meets terminator.  Cool scenario, but yes Rico, more questions than answers.  ugh!  I am enjoying it, but I don't trust Riley!

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