Picard, Riker and crashing the Enterpise D

Started by billybob476, January 02, 2009, 11:11:49 AM

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Hey Jen.. I never understood why folks blamed Troi for crashing the Enterprise other then wanting to make a blatant and sexist comment of her being a "woman driver". I for one think Troi should be commended for crash landing a saucer on a planet and not destroying it. There was nothing she could have done to save the saucer, when the explosion happened it pushed that saucer section into the planet atmosphere and the only thing that could have been done was to crash land. I always thought it was cool that Troi was able to accomplish this and keep the saucer section in one piece.


That's why I put a smiley after mentioning Troi at the helm. She's a psychologist! My in-laws are both lawyers and they are both the worst drivers you've ever seen. I can't imagine them trying to dead-stick land a crashing ship!


Quote from: billybob476 on January 03, 2009, 09:22:00 AM
That's why I put a smiley after mentioning Troi at the helm. She's a psychologist! My in-laws are both lawyers and they are both the worst drivers you've ever seen. I can't imagine them trying to dead-stick land a crashing ship!

I wasn't referring to you Billybob.. Troi is blamed by many male Star Trek fans who are serious in there accusations.


I wasn't refering to you either Billybob :) I said: "other forums".
And "no one heeeere would imply that." 

No hard feelings. ;)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The scriptwriters for the movies sure gravitated toward putting the hurt on the Enterprise. III (blew it up), Generations (blew up half of it, crashed the rest), First Contact (initiated auto-destruct), Insurrection (something pretty serious happened to it -- can't remember -- core eject?), Nemesis (rammed the heck out of it). Guess when you've got a big budget to play with, you can't help but want to blow up the Enterprise.

Wonder how many times they thought about blowing it up for the new one? That's it -- Pike blows it up in the first act and then they rebuild it to look like it did in TOS. Continuity problem solved.  ;D


No hard feelings at all guys! I was just clarifying my position on it. Personally I think Troi was really the only one who wasn't hurt or doing something else critical to their survival, that's why she took the helm.


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on January 03, 2009, 08:47:54 AM
Hey Jen.. I never understood why folks blamed Troi for crashing the Enterprise other then wanting to make a blatant and sexist comment of her being a "woman driver". I for one think Troi should be commended for crash landing a saucer on a planet and not destroying it. There was nothing she could have done to save the saucer, when the explosion happened it pushed that saucer section into the planet atmosphere and the only thing that could have been done was to crash land. I always thought it was cool that Troi was able to accomplish this and keep the saucer section in one piece.

Nah, I don't exactly assign blame to Troi for crashing the Enterprise as a sexist, women can't drive thing.  Certainly dozens of female ensigns drove the ship over the seven year run without crashing.  If my memory isn't failing me, she only drove twice.  And crashed the ship both times.  Just a funny thing in Star Trek like if you are an Ensign and you have a red shirt and are beaming down with the main cast: You're Dead!  The second time she crashed the ship, she was specifically ordered to ram the other ship by Captain Picard.

Second.  She is a therapist who knows what you are thinking and dresses in a spandex leotard.  I don't believe I would like that.  To awkward. 

Also she kept getting headaches and that was the A story of the episode.  Every season!

As much as I pick on her, I have to say that she had really good moments in Disaster, Face of the Enemy, and Eye of the Beholder.


I've heard people talking about Troi, but it was mainly in a joking manner. She flew the ship twice and wrecked it both times and people do comment on that.

Darth Gaos

From a military standpoint I would say that Picard wasn't that upset because Riker was his First Officer and had every confidence in Riker's ability to command.  Picard, I am sure, realized that Riker would not have made the decisions that led to the destruciton of the Enterprise unless they were the only options left to save the majority of the crew.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I can certainly understand this sentimate, about ten years ago my now deceased father-in-law parked his car to close to mine and when backing up totalled the whole driverside of my car that I had just bought and had two days.

He was so embarrassed he took off for the day and never apologized for the incident, Needless to say, Even though I was mad, I put it up to his glass eye and the fact that it was only a material object. Needless to say my girlfriend and I were married 1yr and a half later.

I will never forget hearing the sound of metal being grinded and twisted as he continued to back his car up.

Doc Ock

I've always thought Kirk had more personal attachment to the ship than Picard.