Very sad day everyone.......

Started by alanp, July 28, 2009, 11:32:12 AM

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Sunday, two deputies were shot and killed while serving an arrest warrant.  One of them went to school and church with me and my sister; he was only 23. The other, the father of my sister's close friend. They were there to arrest a 26 year old for failure to appear in court after attempting to strangle his own mother to death.  The suspect surprised them as they kicked in the door.  Shooting one at the door then chasing the other and gunning him down in the front yard.  

Yesterday Ezekiel Holbert chuckled as he was charged with two counts of murder.  Prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty.

Here's a short video about the two men.


So sorry to hear Alan.   Keeping the situation in prayer.


Sorry to hear about the sad news Alan. I know a lot of police officers and they certainly put their lives on the line every day. I have a lot of respect for those guys.


That's pretty bad news indeed. It's aweful when good guys end like that

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


I have the utmost respect for those who put their lives on the line to keep the rest of us safe.  And I have to add; that really puts things into perspective.  I thought I was having a bad day; I guess I should count my blessings.


Same here Eric, my sympathy goes out to their families and you to Alan. Such a sad world at times.


complete bummer.  I will be praying for the families.

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Very, very sorry to hear that.  I have no sympathy for the gunman and hope justice is served.  People are so insane sometimes.


Quote from: Rico on July 28, 2009, 02:33:45 PM
Very, very sorry to hear that.  I have no sympathy for the gunman and hope justice is served.  People are so insane sometimes.

He had been in the county lockup and had been well treated by the sheriff's department.  When he was released, he found himself in the next town over with no shoes, no ride home and no one to call.  And it was the sheriff who took him home.  This guy had to be pure evil to kill the same men who took care of him like that.


What is it with people? That's horrible. I'm so sorry. My co-worker just lost a personal friend in Baytown. He was a 30 year old police officer and vet of the Iraq war with three kids. So sad...
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


It really puts life in perspective.


Oh so sorry to hear about that as well Jen. There are some horrible people out there, somewhere along the line they'll get their punishment.


Thank all you guys for the kind words.  They had a candle light vigil in front of the court house tonight and over a thousand of us came.  Even the audio was horrible and no one could hear, we all attended to honor these two fallen heroes.