Thor Hammer - movie version

Started by Rico, January 19, 2012, 04:58:39 PM

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I saw this the other day, also very tempted on it, as think it would look great and I really liked the Thor Movie. I will have to see how things go the next few months, and keep an eye on this.


I'd almost rather have a Captain America shield.  Not sure if anyone is making a new one of those - yet.  But this is cool - and heavy too (20 lbs.).


my brother would love this! it would be even cooler if it separated and you could use it as a hammer as well.

and rico how do you have money for all these props? i mean don't they get a little spendy sometimes?


I'm pretty sure the hammer lifts out of the base.  As far as money, two things - working hard and saving. 


Quote from: Rico on January 19, 2012, 06:44:44 PM
I'm pretty sure the hammer lifts out of the base.   
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