ULTIMATE Blade Runner Blaster!

Started by Bryancd, January 23, 2012, 02:03:41 PM

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Well, I just got back from a visit to Rich's home to pick up the latest and final version of the Blade Runer Blaster based off the actual filming prop which was discovered at a convention in 2009 prior to being sold at auction for $250,000. Rich had done a few runs of these over the past few years, tweaking it when new discoveries have come to light. This latest version includes the new removable ammo clip feature which he is certain was present on the filming prop but never seen on screen. This prop is a true masterpiece and it is HEAVY. Rich also posted a video showing the new features:
Ebay Sales :: MVI_0219.mp4 video by racprops - Photobucket

This is certainly the finest prop replica I have ever purchased and is considered the finest example of a reproduction of this prop ever made.  Sorry about the HUGE pics. Enjoy!


Damn!  That thing is gorgeous Bryan.  You should be very proud.  Love all the detail, metal, removable clip, etc.  That stand is a nice touch too.  Make sure to put it in some type of glass or plexi case to keep all the dust off it.  Well, now I know who to call if Roy Batty shows up at my place!  ;)


That is the coolest thing I have seen today and I want one. Just make sure you don't retire any humans by mistake.
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It really is great, and no joke, it must weigh 1 pound. I love that it has the flip out cylinder with .44Mag dummy bullets and then the removable ammo club with a fake .223 round showing.  Rich is 99.9% sure the original filming prop had the ammo clip removable with the intent of actually showing Deckard reloading the gun in his fight with Roy. It's rumored such a sequence was filmed or at least rehearsed but it's never been seen.


I wonder at what point in the fight that happened? Must be after he shoots Pris.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Quote from: Chris-El on January 23, 2012, 04:01:32 PM
I wonder at what point in the fight that happened? Must be after he shoots Pris.

Yeah, that would have made sense in terms of the progression of that sequence. It's a shame the working LED's are so hard to see in the film, they are really neat.

