I hadn't really thought of that...

Started by PaulECoyote, July 16, 2012, 12:36:58 PM

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I guess this would have been more obvious had I watched episode three then four...
(pic via http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/daily-morning-awesomeness-86.jpg)


Oh there are plenty of continuity errors between 3 and 4.....
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I'm confused...what's the error here? I see the first photo Obi Wan is giving Luke Anakin's Lightsaber...then in the last photo, we find out how he got the Lightsaber. Where's the continuity error?


Yeah, am I missing something? If it's about the fact that Anakin didn't "want" Luke to have it, there's plenty of fibs told in that hut to Luke.
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Right Chris. In fact, if the rub is Ben tells Luke some of the things he tells him, then in the subsequent movies, we learn the dealio went down another way, it's not necessarily that George screwed up with continuity. Ben told Luke what Luke "needed" to hear to inspire him to get moving...just my take.


Some things are screwy in the prequels, this isn't really one of the, Actually they had to get that shot in, because Lucas forgot about it till afterwards.

In ROTJ we get the while "from a different point of view" stuff, which kinda gave the prequels some license to play it a little broadly.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Was there a scene somewhere featuring Obi-wan with his pants on fire? ;)

"I stole that light saber from your fathers broken burning body, now it's yours" doesn't have quite the same positive motivational tone to it.


Yeah, every single thing that Ben told Luke about Anakin was a complete lie. He didn't meet him in the clone wars when he was a great pilot and his father didn't even know he existed.

Ben pretty much lied about everything, but the reason behind that lie wasn't and still isn't clear.

"Vader, is your father, you have a twin and he tried to strangle your mother when she tried to save him. She ended up literally dying of a broken heart because he became the emperor's pet. Oh, I struck him down and it only made him stronger ... I let him do it to me ... but I'm a ghost. Didn't work so well there."