TNG: The Lost Era: The Buried Age

Started by Jen, September 26, 2012, 08:13:05 PM

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The Lost Era: The Buried Age, by Christopher LaBennett, is very well written. His characterization is spot on and the story is gripping. I'm only a few chapters in and I can't put it down. The novel tells the tale of the Stargazer disaster, Picard's subsequent court-martial and his life there after. I only downloaded it to my iPad because the iBooks description mentioned Picard going on archaeology expeditions and, being an archaeologist wanna-be, I was very intrigued. So intrigued that I managed to miss the lines within the description that informed potential buyers that the story takes place in Picard's past.

After reading the first couple of chapters, and realizing what the story is really about, it struck me as ironic that Angela and I JUST covered The Measure of A Man on Anomaly in June-- we talked in depth about Philipa Louvois and Picard's relationship in that episode. Angela thought they made a nice couple (gag), and here I am reading about the  reason for the tension between them in that episode. :)  I still think Beverly is better suited to him, but it's nice to get a little more background on the court-martial and his annoyance at Louvois.

Any how, I'm really enjoying the book. If you're looking for a bit of backstory on Picard, check out The Lost Era: The Buried Age!
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Sounds like a fun read.  Thanks for the info Jen.


i read this a while ago, i thought it was excellent as well ^_^