Ferris Bueller - the missing soundtrack

Started by davekill, November 19, 2012, 09:45:06 PM

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An awesome project by a generous fan of Ferris Bueller, how he did it with some help from John Hughes, and his free download.

"...would you have looked for a song by The Smiths on the B-side of a Dream Academy import 12″ single??"

- visit his blog and click the Ferris_Bueller_OST link to download this 81.6 MB mp3
- also while there, look for the blog post link for a wonderful tribute to the late John Hughes.


"I only ask one thing in return – if you're going to download and enjoy this soundtrack, do yourself a favor – pay proper respect to John Hughes and listen to it in the car en route to doing something really, really fun.

On a weekday."


NICE. I will be listening to this on my way in today.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


It was a Dream Academy intrumental cover of the Smiths song "Let Me Get What I Want". :)


Cool stuff!  Great movie and a great soundtrack!



There's a link on the blog a ways down the page, it's yellow and says Ferris_Bueller_ost. Right clicky and save. This is really well put together, I listened on my commute and smiled the whole time.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Mojo - the guy who put the Ferris Bueller soundtrack together, also worked on BSG as a 3D graphic artist.

His 'Anatomy of a cylon' link has lots of great info.

Great Emmy award story too.