Anyone know a work around for buying international MP3s on Amazon?

Started by alanp, May 26, 2013, 06:29:33 AM

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I'm trying to buy a couple of songs from Amazon on this page:

The last two songs are not on the American Version of  the record.

I have configured by browser for a German Proxy server, and set up an Amazon account using a Berlin address.  It still knows I'm not local somehow and gives me the error that I am not allowed to buy this song from my location.  It never even asked me for payment information.

Any ideas for a work around?

And not that I would download it from a non official site, but I haven't seen these two songs anywhere but



As well as UK account (naturally), I also have a US account too.  Years ago I was staying with friends in AZ, and bought a iTunes card in Walmart.  I registered whilst staying at my friend's home.  Since then I buy cards when over in the States, or give money to friends if I am not going to the States, which I won't be doing this year.  Because of this I have no problems downloading from the US site. 

I will be going to Canada during the summer, and will probably register there too.


Or just find the song on YouTube play it and record it using audacity.