web hosting / PHP experts, I need a little help.

Started by Dangelus, June 05, 2013, 11:00:45 AM

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Hi guys,

I got an email from a listener who was having problems with the direct download links to certain episodes of Out Of Range. Having investigated and done a little research it seems that it's a PHP issue with files over a certain size. Episodes under about 100M seem to download fine but over 100M do not. The same is happening with TeknoCratik episodes.

My host is Dreamhost and I've researched somewhere that it may be a limit in the ini.php file in my hosting but this is beyond my expertise. I use Podcast Generator to manage my podcasts which is also a PHP script but other people with similar issues have been told that it is usually server hosting limits to blame.

Can any of our resident web coders shed any light on this problem for me? Here is a link to my podcast archive, as you will see only -100M episodes will download:


Thanks  :)


The feed is pointing directly to your mp3 files so PHP shouldn't come into play. It's really just the webserver serving the MP3 files when it comes to downloading.

<enclosure url="http://www.dangelus.com/podcasts/podcastgen/media/2013-05-14_out_of_range_ep_8_bbtf2_1967_script.mp3" length="122658525" type="audio/mpeg"/>

Here's my only over 100 meg ep tag, looks the same to me.

<enclosure url="http://umbcast.com/podcast/005-UMBCast-Space-Quest.mp3" length="109695933" type="audio/mpeg"/>

Are you on an unlimited Dreamhost account?


Scratch that. If you open one of the downloaded MP3 files in notepad it's actually a text error.


Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122658817 bytes) in [path removed by me]/podcastgen/download.php on line 61


So yes, there is a hard limit on the downloaded file size set somewhere in the global settings.




Thanks Joe.

Let me see if i understand this correctly. Do i need to adjust my Dreamhost ini.php file (don't think i have direct access to that) or tweak the wordpress wp-admin.php file?


It looks like the global solution is modifying the php.ini file but you can go as granular as adding a line to the top of that download.php file. It might also be a question to ask dreamhost. They may simply raise the limit from their end.


Quote from: billybob476 on June 05, 2013, 11:42:52 AM
It looks like the global solution is modifying the php.ini file but you can go as granular as adding a line to the top of that download.php file. It might also be a question to ask dreamhost. They may simply raise the limit from their end.

Awesome,  thanks again Joe :-)


Adding "ini_set("memory_limit","600M");" to the download.php files of both podcasts worked! Thanks so much Joe!  :cheers
