Name the forum RPG Starship here! ENDS MONDAY

Started by keozen, January 31, 2007, 01:40:45 PM

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What would you like our starship to be named?

USS Endeavour
11 (36.7%)
USS Tiberius
13 (43.3%)
USS Evolution
3 (10%)
USS Relevent
3 (10%)
USS Venture
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 30


Ok everyone, I am proud to announce that our ship is to be named:

The USS Tiberius!

Thanks to everyone that voted, we had 30 voters in total and the voting got VERY close towards the end.

The RPG will get going good & proper tomorrow night so keep your eyes peeled (I will also be posting a brief teaser post tonight, as hopefully will Kenny).

Thanks again everyone!


Cool!  I liked the sound of Endeavor more, but thought Tiberius was a great name for a Federation starship, and so voted.
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