A Note of Hi

Started by MrOsterman, January 22, 2007, 08:01:37 AM

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Just saying hi to everyone.

I'm Mr. O, also know as Rorlins of the Elf and Dwarf Podcast.  I staggered into the Treks in Sci Fi website/ pod cast as I was filling up my Creative Zen I got for Christmas with possible podcasts, I liked Rico's show and I miss having good forums to visit while I'm at work.

I teach highschool Math and I am a webjunkie between classes.  I'm also in SE Michigan so "Hey" to everyone from the area!.

Mr. O


Welcome Mr. O, Hope you enjoy your time with us.


Ahh, thank goodness another person from the USA!  We have been invaded by the Brits lately - but they are really a great bunch.  Glad to see you here.  I used to teach a bit so I feel your pain.  Hope you enjoy the forums!  :)


Welcome Mr. O! I had a teacher we called "Mr. O". He taught Government though. Glad to have you on the forums.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: Rico on January 22, 2007, 09:03:12 AM
Ahh, thank goodness another person from the USA!  We have been invaded by the Brits lately - but they are really a great bunch. 

The internet's funny that way.  I was looking at the "IP Map" for our own podcast and I'm always amazed at where people are that heard our show and either picked it up as an iTunes feed or did a direct download.

It's fun.

In the end I have to confess I'm not a TRUE Trekie.  I came into ST late in the game, starting with season 4 or 5 of TNG.  I never really got into the early seasons of it.  But then I followed it religiously through DS9, and into Voyager where I slowly phased it out.  I never gave Enterprise much of a chance.

But.... I do like the world and am LOVING a book I got for Christmas:  The Ethics of Star Trek which is here and it's really re-awoken my ST interest.

I'm itching to track down a copy of the season of DS9 where Sisko dreams himself back in the 50's and asks at the end "what if all this is just one man's dream of a better future?"

Mr. O


That DS9 episode is called "Far Beyond the Stars."  I did a podcast on that one, podcast #77.  Great episode!  It's from season 6 of DS9.


This was a klingon weekend.  In Chicago, the TNG/DS9 crossover episode was aired when Worf went to find his father in that Klingon/Romulan compound.  A good Klingon culture teaching moment as well.  And we got to hear that cool Kingon Warrior song which used to be my startup sound.


Welcome Mr. O. 

Hope you enjoy the forums! :r2d2line

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Welcome Mr. O - great people on this forum - great podcast too.
I think the surest sign that there is intelligent life out there in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

- Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)


Welcome Mr. O. You will have fun here. If you like sci-fi and Star Trek. :)
"Captain, I protest, I am not a merry man!"


Quote from: comix on January 22, 2007, 06:00:35 PM
Welcome Mr. O - great people on this forum - great podcast too.

You know I was leary to put much about my own podcast in here for fear I'd be judged as "just out to plug his own show".  Really though I was listening to Rico's comments about Michigan weather and thought "woah, another Michigander!" so getting involved in the forums here made sense.

I miss forum-ing too... I don't play City of Heroes so much anymore so I feel awkward lurking around there, *.warcraft.com is blocked at work (stupid kids) and I like having a place to pop between classes to decompress.

Still... nice to find a community of sci-fi fantasy folk,

Mr. O


Hi Mr O. Another of those pesky Brits here. ;) Greetings and Salutations
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"