New Enterprise design leaked!

Started by the_wasd_man, April 01, 2007, 06:18:59 AM

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the_wasd_man has leaked the design art for the new "re-imagined" Enterprise for the next movie:

Wow, wonder what those guys are thinking...

oh, and happy April Fools day. ;)

Dan M

I like it.  I'd want to see it from other angles, but it feels like a logical cross between the NX-01 and the TOS Enterprise.

I especially like the wider nacelle pylons.  That's my favorite part of the TMP refit.

I'm fairly certain that this is an April Fool's Day joke, but if it's not I wouldn't be upset.

But I know that, if it is true, the volume of fanboy whining will break the Internet in half.

Remember how Paramount/UPN released the first pic of the NX-01?  TrekMovie is a great site, but I don't see them ever getting that exclusive.  At least not officially.

Dan M

I hadn't seen this.

It's by Gabe Koerner.  No idea on whether it's at all official.  I'm guessing that, since he posted it, it's  just something he was playing with. 


Nope, nothing official about that. ;)

It does look good, though.


I saw this too and mention it on the podcast I just recorded.  I'm uncertain right now about the top design and whether it's a joke or not.  I'm leaning to it's either a joke or just an early design sketch.  I also think I've seen that drawing somewhere else sometime.  Hmmm....


I'm inclined to think it's a joke. Look at how they poke fun at the hardcore fan-base by pointing details like "Warp Coil Grills", "Escape Pods", "RCS thruster quads" and "turrets", all stuff the original didn't have, and that seem to peeve off those guys whenever you add it to the original.


Looks like April fools to me dudes.
"I aim to misbehave."



Cool idea for a April Fool's thing.  I've emailed with the guy at before.

Dan M

It's by Vektor.  I'm not surprised.  I've followed his 3d work for years and it's awesome.

I prefer the "Foolerprise" to Koerner's design.  The only major flaw I see is the saucer cut-ins for the RCS thrusters are too pronounced.