Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) Release Date - possible spoilers

Started by Geekyfanboy, February 01, 2007, 10:02:55 AM

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We are officially 100 days away from the end of Harry Potter...could this literally be the end of Harry?!  I say yes...anyone want to discuss theories?
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


I'm thinking Harry will die, but I think that's kind of sad and a cheap way out.  I keep hearing she (Rowling) wants to do it just so the series can't really continue - at least one about Harry.  If that's the main reason, I think that's wrong.  But I'm really looking forward to reading the book and if it is integral to the story then I can accept it. 


As many of you know I'm a huge, huge fan of Harry Potter, I would have to say it's my favorite Fantasy series of all time. I love the books, the movies, the action figures and anything else associated with is series. Even though I'm happy the seventh book is coming out it still saddens me to think this will be it for the series. When they announced the title of the book.. that was the last time that would happen, when the released the cover artwork for the book... that was the last time that would happen. Everything is the last time.

As for theories, I really hope she doesn't kill off Harry. The prophecy said, "that neither could live while the other survived". Meaning one has to die for the other to survive and I know for sure JK is not going to let evil win. As for her killing Harry just so no one can write anything in the future, she mentioned this in an interview and said she could understand why an author would do this, but JK is better than that. If by chance she does kill off Harry (which I don’t' think she will) she will do it in a way that make sense to the entire story. I can't see her ending this story on a down note. Even if Harry scarifies himself to save the world it would still be very depressing. Now I can see some of the other main characters dying, like Neville, Draco, Hagrid, Snape, some of the Weasleys but I think the Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione will survive and live happily ever after. At least that how I see it in my little fantasy world  ;D


I hope you are right Kenny.  But I do think one the main characters that is dear to us won't make it.


I must preface this theory by saying I really don't want Harry to die...I was a basket case when Dumbledore died...BOTH times I read the book!  I knew what was going to happen the 2nd time but I still cried like a baby!  Harry's death would be like losing a family member--for that reason alone, I hope she didn't kill him off.  Yet, in my theory, he does die.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

This prophecy could have been about Neville as well as Harry, and I really think Voldy made a mistake in marking Harry.  V transferred part of his power to Harry during the attack, but Lilly's love kept Harry alive.  As a result, Harry has had the power and motivation to stand up to great odds.  This also helped him become a great DADA teacher.  Yet, we have also seen Neville grow throughout the series; he was the one who had the courage to stand up to his friends in their very 1st year at Hogwarts.  He was also one of the only members of the DA that took up arms in the last book.  So, my theory has been that, in the final battle, Harry and V will be locked in battle but their sister wands are unable to destroy each other.  Harry will see Neville fighting (hopefully after he has just killed Bellatrix!) and realize the prophecy was about both of them.  By marking Harry, V gave him the power to excel in the DADA, which Harry passed on to Neville.  Neville's courage and strength have grown as a direct result of befriending Harry.  Harry will realize that Neville is the one who will have to deal the killing blow and, in doing so, Harry will also perish in the resulting energy charge from the connected wands.  Thus, Harry will sacrifice himself for the good of the others (using the power of love to put them first!), and Neville will be the hero who was only able to accomplish this great deed because of Harry. 

So, that’s the theory I developed after reading the last book, but now that the covers have been released I’m not so sure!  LOL!  On the US cover, it appears that Harry and V are performing wandless magic, so that blows my whole idea about them not being able to destroy one another.  The good news about being wrong is the possibility that Harry will live…but if Neville dies, I’m not coming out of my house for a week!   :wacko
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Well I like your theory and I think Neville will play a big part I still think it's Harry will kill off Voldy. Voldy picked Harry to make him his equal. I think once he did that it was set in stone. Will find out in a little over three months... I can't wait!!!!


Amazon Potter 7 Orders Top 1M

Amazon.com said it has booked more than 1 million advance orders for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the upcoming seventh and final book in J.K. Rowling's franchise, which is scheduled for release in late July, Reuters reported.

The online retailer also lowered its price on the book to $17.99 from $18.89. It said it would honor the lower price for customers who had already ordered the book, the last volume in the series about a boy wizard and his struggle against the forces of evil.

More than 620,000 copies have been ordered in advance in the United States, with more than 250,000 in the United Kingdom, Amazon.com said. Advance orders for this book have surpassed those in 2005 for Rowling's sixth release, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

In April, Barnes & Noble said that advance orders for the book had topped 500,000 copies, breaking the bookseller chain's record for the most advance requests in its history.

The book, which is published in the United States by Scholastic Corp. and in Britain by Bloomsbury, officially goes on sale on July 21.