Clone Wars trailer!!!!

Started by Dan M, May 27, 2007, 03:37:20 PM

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They mentioned it at the Con... It might be different for the TV live action series..

Dan M

Cool!  Again, thanks for the info, Kenny.

For the live-action series, if I was HBO or Showtime, I'd write George a check he couldn't refuse.  (Can you do that to a billionaire?)  I know I'd subscribe to any pay channel that was my only venue for new Star Wars, especially live-action.


I can't see George doing that.. I mean that would turn off alot of people if they had to pay for it... I'm not saying I wouldn't.. I just can't see them doing that.


I kind of disagree Kenny.  There have been some pretty popular cable TV series in the last few years.  The Sopranos, Sex in the City, Rome, etc.  And these live action shows are not going to be cheap to do.  Plus if you don't have cable, you can always buy the DVD's later on.  Now, I would love it if he syndicates it or puts it on basic cable.  But I could easily see someone like HBO or Showtime writing GL a BIG, BIG check for the live action show.  Another advantage of cable is they won't have to censor it much - if at all.  Not that Star Wars has ever been "R" rated type of material, but some of it might fall into PG-13 land.  We'll have to see how this all turns out.

Darth Gaos

Man I hope it is on regualr cable.....PG-13 is nothin anymore.....look at shows like The Shield, Nip/Tuck etc.  I think it would be fine on regular cable but, as the saying goes...."money talks, ..."
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


That does look hellacool my one concern is that I hope this series is a lot longer and more in depth than the clone wars was.  I love the clone wars but it was what less than an hour long. If this is just a CGI redress of them with just a little extra stuff added I will be mad.  It looks like there will be a lot of new stuff in there from the trailer though so that is good and they have been working on the dang thing for two years or so so hopefully there will be some meat on this bone if you know what I mean.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


Well so far they have planned to make 100 thirty mintues episodes.. so there are going to be able to do backstory to alot of characters.


Hope I didn't confuse anyone with my above post.  I do think the animated series will end up on regular cable (Cartoon network would be a good guess).  It's the live action series that I think might end up on one of the higher pay channels like HBO, Cinemax, etc.  But all this is just guess work right now.


100 Episodes Dang mmmmmm I think I am starting to feel warm and fuzzy inside already.

That sounds like they have 5 seasons worth of material they are going to make does anyone know if they are going to space these out for a couple of years or just do one a week for 52 weeks or what.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


I'm not sure about that.. I know at the Clone Wars panel last weekend they said they are currently working on 20 episodes at once... so they are doing a bunch at a time.  How they air them will depend on which channel they air on.