GG Dooku/Asajj upcoming Statue

Started by Rico, August 24, 2007, 12:22:07 PM

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Wow!  This looks cool.  Previewed at Comic Con and coming from Gentle Giant.


I like the very prominent no pictures sign. Cool statue though they sure make Ventriss very...ummm...curvy.


I found this over on the Star Wars Action New Forum.  I really like the look of the statue.  It will be interesting to see the finished product.  And those no picture signs are kind of silly.  I mean, why bring it to a con to show it off and then say --- oh wait, no pictures!


Yeah they started doing the "no pictures" a few years ago. It has something to do with the Flash... they don't mind if you take video.


I agree as well that Asajj is very curvey. Looking forward to seeing a painted Version.


The forms are very interesting. There's a lot of life in that sculptureâ€"it really is a beautiful piece. I like the fact that she's normal looking...Athletic yes, but well proportionedâ€"no busty/skinny ridiculousness.

I always pictured Assajj as more evil looking. Maybe the paint job will bring that across. But then again, her pose suggests that she's seductive and manipulative. Who needs a paint job to drive home the "evil" point, when her stance does such a great job of  telegraphing that aspect of her character? :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Dan M

I love that statue.   I can't wait to see it painted.

Here's the image it was based on.


Looks like this is getting somewhat closer.  Entertainment Earth is taking preorders.  Due out, June 2008!



Yep...she looks pretty evil now that they painted her. Very cool statue.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I don't collect many statues.. but this one is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!