Terry Brooks - Shannara series

Started by Geekyfanboy, June 08, 2007, 12:04:27 PM

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Hey Folks...has anyone read this series of books.. there are something like 19 of them. Warner Bros is going to start making movies from them and I looked them up on wiki and they sound good.  I think I might have to start a new series.



I read the first few of the series. I love the first book as it's almost as good as Lord of the Rings but I don't know if I would want to read all 19. :wacko

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I agree with Ktrek, really good books early in the series.  But like many authors, sometimes they don't know when to stop a particular run.  Definitely grab the first few.  Very fun reading Kenny.


IMO the first book in the Sword of Shannara was a pretty good read.. The next two got a bit old.. But  I like the Heritage of Shannara group of 4 books.

I have the three books in The voyage of Jerle Shannara series, but I haven't gotten around to reading them yet.

It definitely could make for a good movie though... I am hopeful!

Oh, and if you want a fun read his Magic Kingdom of Landover books are pretty fun reads also.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


I read on another site that they plan on making the second book The Elfstones of Shannara into a movie. I don't understand this choice as the first book is so wonderful. I liked Ekfstones but I don't think it holds near the potential movie story that Sword does.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


....i agree with you Ktrek....but the reason the movie is going to be based on the second book is that Terry Brooks admitted that he wrote the book "Sword of Shannara"  right after reading Lord of the Rings...and the book is heavily influenced by the trilogy(who isn' t influenced by what they have read in the past or watched in a movie)....so the studio feels that Elfstones of Shannara is more its own tale....if you remember the start of Sword of Shannara is very similiar with Lord of the Rings...the chase out of the vale etc...but i agree it (The Sword of Shannara) is a great book with great characters....


The Shannara series is one of my favorite fantasy series out there. The Sword of Shanara is simply one of the best Fantasy books written in a long time. As you progress through the books the do go down hill after the 4th book. The prequel books are also excellent.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Read the first four books in this series, it was really good, but lost interest in the series after that.

Geoff G.o.B

I agree with Doc, the Sword was a straight LoTR copy. I liked Elfstones but thought Wishsong was a bit rushed. I've read all but the last 3 in the series and the they certainly become a bit darker and harder than the first trilogy, but pretty good.

Elfstones is a good choice for a movie I think.

I only read the first 3 of the Kingdom for Sale/Sold, they were great fun and well worth a read.
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