Star Wars Fan Film

Started by Geekyfanboy, November 28, 2007, 03:49:08 PM

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I just came across this really well made Star Wars Fan Film called Star Wars Contract of Evil

in a galaxy far far away.
Every Saga has a Begining,
Every Sith has a History,
and Every Tale must be told...
This story is of a young Darth Maul, as he passes the trails of Pain and becomes the most lethal apprentice the Sith order has ever known,,,,,


Very cool.  I think I may have seen this one before.  These guys did a great job with the saber fights in it.  Really, really cool.


yeah the saber fight is cool.. but so is the make up.. very well done.

and I like that it's only 17 minutes long..


I read about the brotherhood of darkness in Path Of Destruction. They existed in the Knights Of The Old Republic era. The fan film had some great makeup and martial arts sequences—wow. I watched one earlier today called Wrath Of The Mandalorian. It had great special effects and costumes. You can find it on's homepage. The story bites but the effects are You might like it Kenny.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I remember seeing the Maul fan-film a few months ago...

It was pretty cool to see a film featuring one of the coolest and most under-utilized characters from the saga- even if it was just a fan film.  I'd like to see more Darth Maul "prequels"! :)