Invitation To Forum Guests

Started by Jen, December 31, 2007, 09:48:38 AM

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Hello "anonymous guest who frequents our forum RPG".  :D
We've noticed you reading our collaborative story, and would love to have you post your comments as a reader and/or join our crew. We're all very friendly here and would love to help you create a character and begin your adventure on the USS Tiberius. To participate ( by adding your comments to our Comments section or adding to our story) just join the Treks In Sci-Fi forum... it's easy, and hassle free. Plus you get to converse with people who obviously have like minded interests. If you want to join the RPG, send me or startrekfanatic5 a PM (personal message) after you've activated your Treks In Sci-Fi account, and let us know—we'll get you started.  :)

Thanks for reading our story... now come join our crew.  ;)

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast