Ensign Christopher Dunn, Security (NPC)

Started by Bryancd, January 18, 2008, 09:29:21 AM

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Name: Christopher Dunn
Rank: Ensign
Division: Security
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Earth, State of Connecticut
Age: 22
Hair: Light Brown
Eye's: Green
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 158lbs
Telepathic Ability: None
Marital Status: Single

Likes/Dislike: Fitness and health advocate by nature, Christopher was drawn to the physical challenges presented by joining the Red Shirt Ranks. Organized, meticulous, thurough, a real type A. Loathes chaos, lack of disciplne. Freshly minted Starfleet Ensign looking to get out there and get it on.

(I figured we should beef up security a little bit with some cannon fodder!)


Yeah, security may be a little busy this season. Nice character.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast



Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast



lol Alright, if we go on an away mission, I vote we take Dunn with us!!


King ;)
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Ensign Dunn is gonna get roughed up. . .broken bones, bloody lip, phaser burns. . .you name it. He'll be cannon fodder alright.  :laugh: 


I love it! I can't wait till you all start yelling at me!