Re-Released Trek Movies on DVD??

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 06, 2008, 08:25:51 AM

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Ah well that's not too bad then. think i'll wait till the end of the year and see what happens with the whole Blue Ray thing. Look what happened with the HD-DVD especially as people (like Rico) bought the TOS HD-DVD issue 1 and now it looks like they won't produce series 2 or 3.


Yes...I do not know of any Blu-Ray players that are not backward compatible. I'm not going to say that they will play all your DVDs as my Samsung will not play my Star Trek Animated DVDs but I have not found any others it will not play. Upconverting the picture on the Blu-Ray looks really very good. Not quite as good as a true Blu-Ray but still very very watchable.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Ah right well thanks for that Kevin. At least i know i can feel safe with my standard DVD's and maybe treat myself to a Blue Ray player later.

Darth Gaos

This is kinda the reason I do not own but 3 trek movies and 1 Star Wars movie on DVD.  I am waiting for the inevitable BluRay (I own a PS3) releases in the near future (I hope).
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?