JJ Abrams says "it's going to be alright"

Started by davekill, April 13, 2008, 09:29:37 AM

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On the latest "The Definitive Word" podcast from our friends at SimplySyndicated.com, Rich mentioned a response from the man himself JJ Abrams.
During a recent episode of Make It So (another fine "all things Trek" podcast co-hosted by Richard Smith) he tells of an on-air appeal he made to the office of JJ Abrams for a little reassurance to quell any misgivings about the new Star Trek film.
What do ya know - guess JJ really does listen to the Trek community - even the small voices in the wilderness of podcasting and personally sent this message of hope:

JJ Abrams says "The New Star Trek film is going to be alright"
So, there you go...


Pretty cryptic.  I sure hope it's quite a bit more than that.  I'm sure he meant "don't worry it's all going to be alright."  With more than a year to go it seems odd to be saying stuff like this - even at this point.


I've got a bad feeling about this!

Sorry i just wanted to use that line. JK
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


I agree, it does seem mighty early to predict a successful production.

What I thought was news worthy is that a JJ Abram took the time to send a mere independent webcaster a personal email to confirm the affairs of a multi million dollar movie.

Wow, is Hollywood taking the whole internet fan base seriously?
(maybe the writers strike really has changed the status quo)

SimpySyndicated/The Definitive Word/American Comedians
At 47 minutes into the show Richard relates this unusual email.

It's on the internet so it must be true ;)


I think people are taking the internet seriously because of the people making the movies are the ones growing up using it and accept it, instead of the old scool people who deny it's power.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.