"Collision Course" - Week two - Ch. 20 - 36

Started by Rico, April 14, 2008, 09:59:56 AM

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Might be me just discussing this, but this is the next section to read for this week.  April 14 -20.

I'm enjoying the book, but I can see why it might not be everyone's cup of tea.  Kirk and Spock don't quite act like I would have pictured them at this age.  It's also a fairly non-Trek book/story.  So far pretty much just takes place on Earth at and around Starfleet Academy.  I thought it might of been more a story like it seems the movie is going to be about their time at Starfleet and maybe an early mission.  But still, I am enjoying it and it's quick & fun read.


Well about through this next section of chapters.  The book has taken a little twist.  The way Kirk and Spock get into Starfleet is not what I expected.  And also, Starfleet training is pretty old fashioned so far.  So again, I can see why this book hasn't been well received by some.  It's still an interesting perspective.

One thing I'm noticing about this book more than other Shatner Trek books is I find myself wondering how much help Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens provided.  There are many references to the Enterprise series and other Trek details that I doubt Shatner is aware of.  I find myself wondering as I read it how much he really wrote.

Anyway, still kind of a fun read.