Motor City Comic Con?

Started by MrOsterman, May 14, 2008, 11:50:51 AM

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Anyone going?  I've got a sitter lined up for Sat morning for the Little O and will be there with or with out my dad.  Planning on wearing my BSG Duty Blues if I can clean them up enough.

Anyone else?

Mr. O


Yes, I will be there on Saturday as well.  We will have to figure out a way to meet up.


Excellent.  I'm meeting my dad at 10:30 and planning on being there all day.  I'll PM you my cell if you want and we can try to meet up sometime lunchish?  I want to see Brooks but I have a feeling that's kinda late in the day.  On the other hand I'm guessing that there will be a wait to get in and it'll fill up fast so maybe that's not the worst plan.

Mr. O


Mr. O - I'm probably going to be there around 11 - 11:30 am.  I'm shooting you a PM with my cell phone number too.  I'll probably grab some food around 1pm - give or take depending on what events are going on.  Feel free to give me a call.  Avery is set to talk at 4pm I think.  I'll definitely be staying for that.


Hey Rico.. did you meet up with Mr. O?


oh does he mention it in the podcast... just started listening to the latest but had to stop because I keep getting interrupted.


Yep - we chatted for a little.  I will talk more about it on the special cast this coming weekend.