Web Streaming Doesn't Hurt Broadcast TV

Started by Geekyfanboy, July 23, 2008, 10:01:13 AM

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This is great news..

Web Streaming Doesn't Hurt CBS
Posted by Michael Hickerson on Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008


A new report issued by CBS Interactive shows that live-streaming full-length television shows doesn't negatively impact broadcast ratings reports the Hollywood Reporter.

The reports says more than half of the network's online audience (46%) primarily views their favorite shows online, and most say that the wide availability of these shows across the Internet does not impact their TV viewing. In fact, 35% of the nearly 50,000 streamers surveyed by researcher Magid Media Labs on behalf of CBS reported that they are more likely to view shows on the network as a result of having been exposed to content on the Web.

CBS has been aggressive in both offering full-length episodes of its shows on its site and also in syndicating these shows all over the Internet as part of the CBS Audience Network, which includes everything from Yahoo to Bebo.

"These findings confirm what we've believed all along," said David Botkin, senior vp, research & audience analytics, CBS Interactive. "Online viewing is complementary to broadcast viewing, so making our programming more accessible to people drives awareness, interest and ratings both online and on-air."


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on July 23, 2008, 10:01:13 AM
This is great news..

Web Streaming Doesn't Hurt CBS
Posted by Michael Hickerson on Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008


A new report issued by CBS Interactive shows that live-streaming full-length television shows doesn't negatively impact broadcast ratings reports the Hollywood Reporter.

The reports says more than half of the network's online audience (46%) primarily views their favorite shows online, and most say that the wide availability of these shows across the Internet does not impact their TV viewing. In fact, 35% of the nearly 50,000 streamers surveyed by researcher Magid Media Labs on behalf of CBS reported that they are more likely to view shows on the network as a result of having been exposed to content on the Web.

CBS has been aggressive in both offering full-length episodes of its shows on its site and also in syndicating these shows all over the Internet as part of the CBS Audience Network, which includes everything from Yahoo to Bebo.

"These findings confirm what we've believed all along," said David Botkin, senior vp, research & audience analytics, CBS Interactive. "Online viewing is complementary to broadcast viewing, so making our programming more accessible to people drives awareness, interest and ratings both online and on-air."

I was almost going to say "duh, its because CBS's streaming sucks".  But then I remembered that they finally upgraded and fixed that problem.  I would have to agree, I prefer TV over computer when watching shows.  But if I have no TV, then out the streaming comes.

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I think the simple reason is those people that can stream and view online generally have cable or satellite and a decent TV too.  So they can easily watch it on broadcast TV.  The tech savvy folks, typically have some decent home theater equipment.  So I'm sure they would watch most of their TV that way.  The only time I watch online at my PC is if I missed an episode or something.


I agree with Rico. Though I felt really cool yesterday when I was cooking dinner and watching Twitlive on my 40" LCD. For those of you that can, plugging an extra computer into your tv and hiding it is tons of fun.