3 years of the Podcast!

Started by Rico, August 31, 2008, 06:23:26 AM

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Congrats Ric!  Here's to the next three and beyond!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Well Rico,

It's 11:30pm and I thought I check back. 30 minutes left of your third anniversary. I said all I could in my audio comment and am sorry I made you cry. But all of us mean it in our hearts when we say to you. Happy three years of podcasting and what you have built here. You have much to be proud of not to mention a global community of friends. You have taken the best of what this technology was meant to do and brought us all together.

Here's to another three years of Rico!

Three cheers for Rico!

Hip Hip, Hooray....Hip Hip, Hooray....,Hip Hip, Hooray
:cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers
:metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:  :metallica:
:vulcan  :vulcan   :vulcan   :vulcan   :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan  :vulcan
:thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup  :thumbsup


Congratulations Rico, your podcast has made my working day go amazingly smoothly (blessed art thou ipod) and i've met some wonderfull people and am proud to call them all friends. Cheers mate.


I did some math and I realized I've been listening to Trek in Scifi for 2 years. And I really would like to thank you Rico for those 2 years of giving me your enjoyable podcast and for all the time you've put into the show. Congrates on the 3 years of your podcast, it's been great as long as I can remember and I hope it continues to be great.

-Dan "Sheppard"


Thanks folks.  It means a lot that so many of you have been listening for a long time.  I hope you all continue to enjoy the show and the forums and tell all your friends to do the same!  ;)


As I said in my comments in last week's show: Treks in Sci Fi made me love Sci Fi like i never have before. Keep it up Mr. Dostie.


WOW! Three years now. It's been amazing. Treks in Sci Fi mean a lot to me because even if I had ben out for a while I always know I can get back home and chat with great friends.

Thanks for the ride, Rico. It's been wonderful so far and I've learned a lot. Keep up the great work.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock