OMG - way too funny...this is one tired cat.

Started by sheldor, November 25, 2008, 09:31:07 AM

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OMG!  I want to see the video one minute after that where he leaps for the dude that woke him up!


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Yeah, I'm surprised the cat stood for that. They're not the most patient of animals. I had a cat once and If you had done that to him, your face would have been scratched to pieces.
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


In the Dead Tired Kitty video the cat looks like he is on some sort of sleep drug. I've seen cats look like that when they are waking up from surgery (my mother is a vet), I've seen it many times, they are almost completely unresponsive, but really tense.


Speaking of strange cats, this one takes the cake.  I think it might have been posted here earlier, but I think it's good enough for a second look-


Quote from: wraith1701 on November 25, 2008, 11:40:45 AM
Speaking of strange cats, this one takes the cake.  I think it might have been posted here earlier, but I think it's good enough for a second look-

Yup, we've seen this little friend before.  For tired kitty, when mine have been drugged, I would think their LAST choice would be the car windshield but you never know.  Cats rule and dogs druel !! :D