Pics of my SW collection, latest acquisitions

Started by Dan M, November 14, 2008, 08:26:24 AM

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Dan M

I think I've mentioned before that my Star Wars collection is focused on three characters, Obi-Wan (throughout the different phases of his life), Imperial Royal Guards and X-Wing pilots (particularly Luke).

I snapped a couple pics of my crowded shelves which contain just some of the many representations of those characters. I try to limit myself to one selection from each format ( statue, minibust, kubrick, lego, mighty muggs, galactic heroes, hasbro 3/34", unleashed, 12", etc.), though I obviously don't always have the self-control to stick to that.  :)

Things are very crowded on the Obi-Wan shelf.  I need to head out to Ikea in the next week or two.  My collection needs a re-org with some of the items I have coming, like the Indy PF and a few Koto statues.

I also wanted to show the gun belt and holster I got for my Indy revolver.  Also pictured is the knife I got which is a replica of the one Indy used to cut Marion free from her bonds in Belloq's tent.  (How obscure a prop is that?)


Very nice stuff!  I really do need an Indy gun still.


I want a Indy gun, but not easy to get hold of down here in old Blighty.
