Off to Cuba in 11 hours

Started by iceman, November 26, 2008, 03:32:55 PM

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Luckily after spending yesterday in the hospital as a result of taking the cholesterol lowering drug Crestor, which caused my liver to be inflamed, I was given some anti inflamitory medicine and taken off this drug. I was given the Ok to go to Cuba today, as the medication is working and the inflamation has gone down.

Boy was that a close call, so by this time tommorow morning I should be on my way to Cuba, Wish me luck on the plane ride, I will have a drink for you all.

Cheers :cheers :cheers



Dude, awesome! Try and check in and let us know how you like it!


Sounds like a cool trip. :)  Business trip, or vacation?


Have a good time buddy. Try to bring back many of those fine cigars.
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"