Podcast # 203 - Night Terrors

Started by Rico, December 14, 2008, 09:35:43 AM

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Just uploaded the latest podcast.  A TNG episode, Trek talk, a collectible and more.  Enjoy!    :taz





I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Great episode so far.  About halfway in.  I remember thinking my submission made me sound stupid, but I was too lazy to fix it.  Oh well.  Now you know.  ;)


Finally got it finished today Rico.  GREAT classic episode of TREKS IN SCI FI!  I love it when you change things up a bit.  I enjoyed hearing a clip show this week too.  I enjoyed Vartok's superman stuff, I liked hearing Jen and Angela, they are so fun.  Thanks for playing the Trekmas promo, I think a lot of people are enjoying it.  Darrell, you sounded fine.  Even though I have to say that seasons 5-7 had some excellent shows imo.  Anyway, I really enjoyed listening on my walk today.  I should have just stayed at my house though, the ice was kind of treacherous.  I won't be walking on it tomorrow!  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Glad you enjoyed it.  I think it came together well.  I still enjoy doing the clip type shows too.  As I said before, I like alternating a bit between styles to keep it fresh.


Great show. It was cool having a clip show as we haven't had one for awhile. Lots of really great info about the episode, great comments, great segment from Vartok (so great in fact I'm horribly tempted to buy the "Blue box")


Great show Rico and great to here darrell who blew my earphones out with such an enthusiastic comment, more from you sir i do believe. I saw that episode a few weeks ago and the scene that stole the show for me was Rykers look of disgust as Picard when ordered to sleep when they are in teh turbo lift, i just love that look.


Another fine podcast!  This episode has managed to fly under my radar over the years, but I feel like checking it out again now.  I guess it just goes to show that Trek is like pizza-- even when it isn't at it's best, it's still good.  :)



I really enjoy the clip shows because they are tighter and don't include visual elements which don't work as well on "the radio".  But either way, I'm there and enjoy them all.

Still finding my TrekSF legs, but I think the 3rd one I do will be better.  Getting in tune with the show as a contributor.  Any time there is a TOS or TNG topic, I'll be there.  :)


I think I enjoyed this story more as a Podcast topic than when it ws aired (again) earlier this year. I don't like the flying Troi scenes, but as a story concept it does work well enough.

Voyager is just re-airing over here at the moment and co-incidently I just watched 'Waking Moments' where Chakotay is doing the whole 'Lucid Dreaming' thing in an attempt to overcome a race of sleeping aliens. The idea was obviously sound to the Star Trek folks since they used it twice - they were so far apart that I'd never made the link before though.

Good podcast Rico, thanks.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.