Deadliest Warrior

Started by Meds, July 08, 2009, 11:43:07 AM

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Has anyone seen this crazy show. Now we dont have it here i saw a clip of it on Charlie Brookers new show. Looks like you get a warrior from some time and then using models made with wax and blood stab them chop em and generally cause severe harm. The clip i saw had quite a bit of blood and guts, and one episode has a scenario of The Taliban v's the IRA, how crazy is this stuff. Once the boffins do some sword/dagger/bomb action on said wax dummy (with eyeballs and brains that pop out once a deadly blow has been given) have finished playing they put all their info into a computer (yawn) and then show what the battle would be like using general out of work actors one minute of blood drenching fame, Anyway here is a link to the site. Some stange stuff but its broadcast on US Tv so let us know what you think. its that crazy i think i'd end up watching it every week.


I watch it, it's really cool!


This is such a cool show and it is very scientific how they figure out who will win by measuring the impact damage the weapons cause on pig carcusses and such


The premise is a little strange, but the scientific aspect makes up for that. Anything that might get kids interested in science is a good thing imo.