WoWs got its claws in me again

Started by Jobydrone, June 04, 2008, 04:57:26 AM

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Quote from: Rico on May 05, 2009, 02:12:22 PM
I could never play under those conditions.  With my hot PC rig that I built about a year ago, frame rate never goes below about 30-40, and usually over 100 in most areas.

Never say never buddy, the game is like crack and my poor little laptop has been the only way I can play it for the past couple years.  Most of the time when I am out in the wilderness I get around 12-17 fps which is good enough to play most of the time.  The problems really show themselves in raids and capital cities.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I can easily say never with games.  I tried to play on a kind of low end laptop when I went to Taiwan and it was too choppy to play for me.  This game has very little hold over me.  I've always played casually, just like I did for years with Everquest.  Even now with some time off and a solid PC, I play very little.


I wish I could play 'hardcore' but i just don't have the time. I rarely run dungeons cause I can't dedicate the block of time and i flatly refuse to join a run if I can't stay around till the end.

That's why I'm enjoying the argent tournament. I'm thinking once I dual spec my first spec will remain shadow for soloing and my second spec will go to Disc-PvP. I feel like my play schedule can support running battlegrounds.


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 05, 2009, 12:49:28 PM
Quote from: Rico on May 04, 2009, 11:44:05 AM
Joby you are really committed to the game.  Even with a little more time these days, I still don't have enough to do all that stuff.  Heck, my mage is still only 76!

Thats cool Ric, I'm sure there are tons of people that say my lack of committment is...disturbing, considering I haven't been into Ulduar yet.  I've actually cancelled my subscription to WoW, it ends for me on May 18th.  I just don't have the time to dedicate with three kids, new job, and wife on the brink of madness from stress and lack of sleep.  If I manage this dumb PvP achievement for the meta I will probably reup my subscription when the next holiday rolls around (midsummer fire fest I believe) just to keep my streak going.  The big problem that has soured me on the game though has nothing to do with time or the game itself.  It's my laptop, it just doesnt run the game well enough to make it fun.  My framerate is so bad, sometimes when lots of action is on the screen I get literally 2-4 fps.  It's unplayable that way.  I will likely start playing again in earnest once I get my new computer, probably around the holidays.

This describes my pc ^



I have this older not quite so nice looking one I use at Extralife:

I actually need to tweak the stats on display, maybe switch over to your site, it looks cooler.