@StarWars Twitter feed from SW: Celebration V

Started by Geekyfanboy, August 14, 2010, 09:34:51 AM

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@StarWars twitter feed did a live tweet from the Main Event at Celebration V this year.. I copied and pasted everything from the past 24 hours.. some very cool stuff. Oldest Tweets at the bottom to Newest on top.. so it might be best to scroll to the bottom and start reading your way up.

This concludes our live-tweeting. Apologies if it was overwhelming to some, but we'll now go back to our regular pace!     14 minutes ago  via web

Lucas thanks the audience. "You're the reason we're here." And with that, the Main Event signs off!. 15 minutes ago via web

Carrie asks if the nude scenes will be put back into the blu-ray set. 17 minutes ago via web

Carrie Fisher now on stage, joining Hamill, Lucas and Stewart. 20 minutes ago via web

Mark Hamill comes on stage to describe a deleted scene from Jedi. 21 minutes ago via web

Lucas reveals that the six movie Star Wars saga box set is coming out on Blu-Ray in 2011. Will feature deleted scenes. 24 minutes ago via web
... and a new Zabrak warrior will feature in Season 3: Savage Opress. 25 minutes ago via web

Lucas reveals that in Season 3, Ventress visits a world where there is an enclave of warriors where Darth Maul hails... 26 minutes ago via web

Lucas says work on Season 5 of the Clone Wars has started. Stewart tries to get in on it. 29 minutes ago via web

Stewart asks about Baron Papanoida. A clip from Clone Wars with Papanoida and family kicking butt. 30 minutes ago via web

Stewart now plays an embarrassing Japanese Panasonic commercial with Ewoks, Wookiees, and George Lucas. 33 minutes ago via web

On the subject of licensed product, Stewart now plays ESB Underoos commercial. 34 minutes ago via web
Jon Stewart action figure has two heads: one with goatee one without. Stewart vows to open up the toy and play with it. 35 minutes ago via web

R2-D2 now on stage to deliver a Jon Stewart action figure from Hasbro. 36 minutes ago via web

Q: Where's Obi-Wan's home planet? Lucas. "He comes from the planet Stewjon." 37 minutes ago via web
Q from 10-year old named Lucas: Any suggestions on being a director? "Do well in school. Go to college. Study hard." 38 minutes ago via web

My only hope is that the first guy who sets foot on Mars says 'I've wanted to do this ever since I saw Star Wars' - GWL on legacy 39 minutes ago via web

Stewart asking about Darth Plagueis. Lucas says Palpatine killed Plagueis in his sleep. 41 minutes ago via web
Jedi & Love. "The whole idea... the light side is compassion. You care about other people. The dark side is you care only about yourself." 44 minutes ago via web

Lucas now talking about synthesizing and unifying religious concepts into the idea of the Force. about 1 hour ago via web

"It's for 21-year olds, but it'll look like its for 5-year olds. It's a strange mishmash of things. But I know one thing. It'll be funny." about 1 hour ago via web

Stewart asks if there's pre-natal Star Wars fare in the works. Lucas says Seth Green is working on it. about 1 hour ago via web

Lucas describing the generation gap of SW, and kids loving the prequels. "If you're 10 year old, stand up and fight for your rights!" about 1 hour ago via web

George describing the risks of Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks. Quotes "Dare to be Cute" mantra of Jedi. about 1 hour ago via web

"I got a little me in carbon-freezing which I liked. And I got a Jar Jar Binks in carbon-freezing," Lucas. Full-sized one is now at ILM. about 1 hour ago via web

Q from Nick: Most impressive fan-made memorabilia? about 1 hour ago via web

"The first chapter to a story is usually pretty boring, which is why I started with chapter four," - Lucas joking on movie order about 1 hour ago via web

"The big technical innovation in Empire was getting a puppet to be in a movie and not look like a sock." Lucas is recounting movie origins about 1 hour ago via web

Lucas reveals that the Emperor had long suspected that Skywalker had children, part of the reason he lied to Vader that he killed Padme. about 1 hour ago via web

Also, "the one place that is the most painful for Anakin Skywalker is Tatooine." Lucas explains why Luke is hidden there. about 1 hour ago via web

"You think there's one Skywalker in the universe? You should see the phone book." - GWL. about 1 hour ago via web

Q: Dave from SF. "Why not change Luke Skywalker's last name?" about 1 hour ago via web

"I was very lucky that... I was a long way from Hollywood," Lucas credits Alan Ladd Jr.'s openness to making Star Wars possible. about 1 hour ago via web

GWL: "It helps to be nuts." (Stewart suggests it as title of autobiography). Lucas describes perseverance despite all the setbacks. about 1 hour ago via web

Fan Q: from Matt from Orlando - When doing ANH, how did you stay positive given everything was turning against you? about 1 hour ago via web

"What's great is that it just sprang into life from fans. They're everywhere I go." Lucas gives the 501st props for their charity work. about 1 hour ago via web

Stewart compliment the Belgian 501st garrison on their amazing full sized props. Stewart asks about the 501st and fan organizations. about 1 hour ago via web

Lucas explains "Ewok" name from "Miwok." "Dexter Jettster" is from his son. Darth Vader is "dark father or dark water." about 1 hour ago via web

Lucas describes a notebook of writing name ideas whenever he's at. "Why don't we have names like Friendly's then?" says Stewart. about 1 hour ago via web

Next fan Q from "Chadmiral Ackbar" . Stewart asks about a process of making character names. about 1 hour ago via web
Lucas admires the R2 builders droids. "If only I could make another Star Wars," he quips. Audience goes nuts, about 1 hour ago via web

"It's a great irony in life that I spent 8 years of my life working to get an R2-D2 who could move 8 feet in a straight line!" - Lucas about 1 hour ago via web

Stewart comments on the elaborate droids made by the R2 droid builders, and asks Lucas what it's like to see actually working. about 1 hour ago via web
"It's a wonder a good oil bath can do for you," Lucas explains. about 1 hour ago via web

Icebreaker question: Stewart asks a LENGTHY question about why C-3PO is driving Luke's landspeeder in ANH, about 1 hour ago via web

Lucas and Stewart are sitting down. Stewart intends to ask fan questions submitted via the official #SWCV website. about 1 hour ago via web
Stewart has just announced George Lucas. Lucas comes out, waving to the audience. about 1 hour ago via web

"We're here to interview a man who is the reason you all aren't at a Star Trek convention right." #SWCV about 1 hour ago via web

Jon Stewart is on stage. "I waited outside all night. I wasn't sure I was going to get in." #SWCV about 1 hour ago via web

Main Event is starting. Fail whale willing, we will attempt to to live-tweet this event. about 1 hour ago via web

That AT-AT's so biiiig: http://tweetphoto.com/38805271 For all the Ephant Mon fans: http://tweetphoto.com/38805803 (via @cyborgturkey) about 11 hours ago via Twitterrific

VIDEO: #StarWars Celebration V: Costume Contest! http://bit.ly/bGVkti #swcv #cosplay #adorkable about 11 hours ago via Twitterrific

The Art & Writing of The Old Republic - http://bit.ly/9dYYcC #swtor #swcv #starwars #gaming about 12 hours ago via web

Masters of The Empire Strikes Back - http://bit.ly/boC8ML #ESB30 #StarWars #swcv about 12 hours ago via web

Backstage spying on @dave_filoni with Seth and @wizmatts http://tweetphoto.com/38807788 #swcv (via @cyborgturkey) about 13 hours ago via Twitterrific
Seth Green helping out with the door prizes at the #501st Bash. #swcv (via @501stLegion) about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific

Can't be part of Celebration V but doing it my on way by watching #starwars "Empire Strikes Back" (via @Alexmontminy) about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific

Full report from The #CloneWars: The Dark Side Clouds everything panel at #SWCV! More on Commandos! http://tiny.cc/6dkca (via @EUCantina) about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific

RT @EricIGN: A beautiful wedding for R2 & @bonniegrrl. Maul officiated, @AdrianneCurry & Vader witnesses. #swcv http://yfrog.com/86gc9ij about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific

More great cosplay from #SWCV: http://yfrog.com/m957mj (via @DarkHorseComics) #starwars about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific

New #StarTours "Commercial" http://bit.ly/bbSW08 #StarWars #Disney #swcv about 17 hours ago via web
Hasbro Update from #StarWars Celebration V - http://bit.ly/cumsir #swcv about 17 hours ago via web

RT @MeaganFinnerty: Prequel love panel just turned into a jar jar love panel and I totally agree! Jar Jar is awesome! #swcv about 17 hours ago via web

RT @missingwords: The start of @bonniegrrl's wedding! #SWCV #StarWars http://twitvid.com/D8AG2 about 18 hours ago via web

RT @kyle_newman: Just got attacked by a wampa en route to my prequel panel in rm w311 #swcv http://twitpic.com/2efglq about 18 hours ago via web

RT @jtkitch: A New Hope in digital at @starwars #swcv both sounds AND looks great on the big screen. about 18 hours ago via web

RT @kyle_newman: Yeah "MON"! #swcv http://twitpic.com/2ecjt7 #starwars about 22 hours ago via web

501st Animated Costuming from the Clone Wars panel starts in 10 min on Fan Stage W311ABCD. Captain Rex helmet giveaway! #swcv about 22 hours ago via HootSuite Retweeted by starwars and 1 other

RT @blastr: Image of the Day: Shogun Vader! http://bit.ly/cE1jBC #swcv #starwars about 22 hours ago via web

RT @bonniegrrl: For those of you who want to see my #droidwedding to R2-D2 at #swcv, it's at 4:30pm! C-3PO is best man! #starwars about 22 hours ago via web

Awesome fan costumes, droids, panels, celebs, collectibles & more in our #StarWars Celebration Flickr gallery! http://is.gd/eglyZ #swcv about 22 hours ago via web

RT @JRBooth: My @WiredGeekDad post about @BonnieGrrl 's excellent crafting panel at #StarWars Celebration V http://ow.ly/2piUx #swcv about 22 hours ago via web

StarWars Celebration Collecting Panels: Animation Art - http://bit.ly/c6LS51 #swcv about 22 hours ago via web

StarWars 2010 Fan Movie Winner Profile: The Notebook Strikes Back http://bit.ly/astUTm #swcv #ESB30 about 22 hours ago via web

2010 #StarWars Fan Movie Challenge Winners! http://bit.ly/c4yHrU #swcv about 23 hours ago via web

StarWars Celebration V: Fans in Costume! - http://bit.ly/a4m1Z5 #swcv about 23 hours ago via web

The littlest R2-D2 builder - http://twitpic.com/2e3y6t #swcv #starwars 2:28 AM Aug 13th via Twitterrific

Dave Filoni at The Fans Of The ForceCast Party. #SWCV #forcecast #starwars http://fb.me/Dq3TQYev (via @forcecast) 1:32 AM Aug 13th via Twitterrific

CV: Force of Fetts Panel: http://bit.ly/9vN6T7 (via @theforcenet) 1:32 AM Aug 13th via Twitterrific

Why the hell isn't Celebration V in the trending topics? @starwars #StarWars @SW_Celebration #SWCV (via @sithstalker066)


The Coolest news is the Announcement of the Movies coming to Blu-Ray with the deleted Scenes. I also think it is cool that season 3 of the Clone Wars, they will be going to Zarabek and meeting the Group that Darth Maul had come from. Should be an interesting set of Episodes.


Had been predicted to be announced.  Steve Sansweet had pretty much confirmed it awhile back but it's good to hear it's "official" now.  Cool stuff!


Here is a clip of a missing Scene, with Luke Building Lightsaber from ROTJ
Return of the Jedi Missing Lightsaber Scene



You know my feelings about Lucas's And his continuous growing wallet. Why didn't he put the deleted scenes on the DVD, we all know why because he knows that we will buy them again and again and again. In my office I have the video versions, the first release DVD versions the special editions versions and now I'll be wanting the blue ray versions for the deleted scenes.
I don't even own a BR player. Jeez


do you suppose there are deleted deleted scenes?


I get chills watching that and Lucas can have my money. :)


Those people are all going nuts over those deleted scenes? I always though Lucas did a good job cutting the movies the way he did originally.

I will definetly be buying these because they are on BD but not cause of the deleted scenes.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


The more OT STAR WARS the better, IMO. And I don't hold it against Lucasfilm one bit for not including these in the original DVD release. They are a business, they have ONE product, STAR WARS. You need to offer people something new when you do a release. I think it's great they are finishing these scenes and allowing us fans to see them. I hope the Luke at Toshi Station scenes are also put back in.


Yeah Bryan, it's business.  But I mean come on, even I feel just a little taken advantage of after all these re-releases over the years.  Sometimes I think we invent new media (Beta, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray) just to release the "Star Wars" films on it!  LOL!  Anyway, I'm happy to get them on Blu-Ray and the extra scenes will be cool to see.  Looking forward to seeing the sandstorm scene near the early part of ROTJ.  And Toshi Station too.  Gotta love Biggs 70's era mustache.


I'm looking forward to this.  I wonder how much it's going to cost?

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It'll cost whatever Blue-Ray's cost now, an Arm, Leg and an Eye :P.  This might be my first Set of Star Wars I actually buy, the rest have been gifted to me. 


And Lucas can do whatever he wants, we don't have to buy these.  But Star Wars in 1080p??  HECK YA!!


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Quote from: Rico on August 15, 2010, 05:32:17 AM
Yeah Bryan, it's business.  But I mean come on, even I feel just a little taken advantage of after all these re-releases over the years.  Sometimes I think we invent new media (Beta, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray) just to release the "Star Wars" films on it!  LOL!  Anyway, I'm happy to get them on Blu-Ray and the extra scenes will be cool to see.  Looking forward to seeing the sandstorm scene near the early part of ROTJ.  And Toshi Station too.  Gotta love Biggs 70's era mustache.

I know, Biggs looks like a pornstar! I suppose my tolerance for releases is mitigate in so far as i don't but a lot of media content, I don't collect DVD's. I just get the few things I really love. I bought the STAR WARS DVD's a few years ago and look forward to buying the new releases. Same with LOTR, but I'll wait for the extended BR's on that.


I am sure I,II,and III are going to look aweosme in BD. I am curious how IV,V and VI are going to look. I am sure good but, how good?
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.