Shat hitting the fan in the studio

Started by alanp, September 03, 2010, 03:54:58 PM

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Shatner Loses it in Recording Studio

I just found this on youtube.  Sorry if it's already been posted, and it's a couple years old but I just heard it for the first time.  It apparently aired on the Howard Stern show.  And personally, I'd say it's more out there than Christian Bale's meltdown.  I feel sorry for that producer.


I heard Howard play this years ago, it's hysterical! The producer is a bit of a putz. How can you compare this to Bale's expletive laden tirade?!


More psychological.  The stage hand or lighting guy just had to sit there and take a verbal lashing.  This guy really got roasted.  It reminded me of when a kid did something bad and it was time for a whipping, and the parent makes the child go get the switch.  Like picking out the rope for your own hanging.

I've had to work with reporters and anchors on news teases.  And sometimes it doesn't go well.  Being a middle man between the producer who wrote it poorly and the anchor who rips it and rewrites it.


I will admit I find Bill Shatner or "The Shat" kind of annoying these days. But in this instance, I think he was being quite gracious. The producer could not tell him how he wanted the lines delivered, and when Bill read them the producers way, they sounded worse then the first few times. I do agree, that Bill probably went on a bit, but since they are all professionals, I suspect the producer was not giving the proper direction and Bill called him on it.


Has anyone read Wil Wheaton's book about meeting Shatner for the first time on the set of Star Trek 5?


I recall hearing that on Howard some time ago as well.  Pretty funny!  He isn't the first Prima Donna to walk on the stage..


Well that was brilliant and i have to say fair play to Shatner. Ive worked with quite a range of producers and I tell you something there is nothing more annoying than a producer who doesnt know what he or she wants out of you.


I might have said the same thing on the first part of the first take.  That take ended really well but the first part sounded just a bit bland to me and I might have asked him to pep it up as well.