Holy Flying Circus (Monty Python)

Started by Meds, October 20, 2011, 01:02:50 AM

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Last night we here  in Blighty were treated to a great comedy doco-drama called Holy Flying Circus a programme about the after effects of the brilliant Life of Brian & working up to the debate that Cleese & Palin had against The Bishop of Southwark & Muggeridge. What is great about this was that it states that a lot of the build up is kind of made up i should state after reading about this & writing papers & podcasting its all not far from the truth in parts. The debate recreated was bang on.

Also what critics didnt get was the portrayal of the pythons is done in the style of the publics perception so Cleese is more Basi Fawlth than Cleese himself.

Anyway here it is ( though it may be removed soon )
Holy Flying Circus


Cool - I recall those real debates.  I'll have to check this out when I get home.  Thanks


I think I might stick this on tonight on my BBC iPlayer plugin on XBMC :)