Jonny Quest

Started by Quarks Ally, September 10, 2011, 01:10:36 PM

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Quarks Ally

I think most of you will love this.  It completely blew me away.  This video was created by a fan.  It's in a stop motion animation style.  The fact that someone put that much work into it is amazing.  This great artwork was created by Roger Evans.  The level of detail is quite something.  Be prepared to be blown away.
A fruitful journey to the Divine Treasury.


Yahoo!  That was awesome!  That brings back some good memories of my childhood.  I loved Jonny Quest as a kid.  I even have the DVD set.  It's a shame it only lasted one season.

Quarks Ally

The odd thing is; I see people on the web making fun of the animation quality of the original JQ.  But the animation for it's time was so expensive that they couldn't afford to make a second season.  Actually the ratings were very good. 
A fruitful journey to the Divine Treasury.