Moon talk!

Started by MARKO, September 12, 2011, 04:48:39 PM

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With all this talking about the moon i just went out on my upper deck and the huge full glowing orange moon just came up and rose over the horizon over the sea.....AMAZING!  I am going outside with the Meade Telescope and get a good look! How does it look where you are at?


"Amat Victoria Curam"


This is the 'Harvest Moon'.  It was nice and red on the horizon.  If you live in a dark area, check out this once in a lifetime opportunity to view a Type 1a Super-Nova:
Too much light pollution near me to make this out.  :(


Pete..... thanks for posting that, i am aware of the super Nova and will be out there with my scope! i should have no problem seeing ..hopefully :)

"Amat Victoria Curam"


looks small-ish and orange from here. very pretty. :D


It was big and orange in my area.


Everything is the sky has been dim orange the past few weeks in my hometown since harvest started, all the dust in the air. We get a dim orange sky and sun at sunrise and set, and the moon is orange almost all night too. It's kinda cool.