Con Photos!

Started by spaltor, September 12, 2011, 12:31:08 PM

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My WorldCon and Dragon*Con Photos are now posted on Facebook.  Sadly, they're not in a more public outlet, yet, but feel free to friend me if you want to take a look.  As soon as I have a Picasa album or something made, I'll post the links.


Whoop i'm off to FB for a mooch about :D


Probably should have mentioned - if you're not sure how to find me on Facebook, go to the Anomaly Podcast group page, and I'm the Sue that's posted all over the place.  Friend me and just send me a quick message if you want to let me know you're from TSF.  ;)


If you made a FB album there's a 'public' URL you can share directly to the photoset if you want people who aren't friends to see it.

Kevin Bachelder

Thanks for sharing all those Sue.

Tuning In To Scifi TV (covering all genre shows)
Saturday B Movie Reel (covering Syfy channel & other B movies)


I finally got some photos of myself in costume, and I've added them to the "Sunday" album, linked to above.


Very cool!  That looks like a lot of very hard work... awesome!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week



Should have known better that to try facebook links on the work PC!

I'll try another machine. (I thought you hated photos of you?)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.




Awesome stuff.. thanks for sharing Sue


Thank everyone.   ;)  I'm told a lot of the photos didn't come out well because of the weather conditions outside.  I was trying to be intense, I think, but came off maybe looking somewhat bored.  lol. 


Hi spalotr,  I just viewed your con pics thur your facebook page.  You do have some great pics from the parade, I espicily liked the steampunk float of the rocket of airship or what ever it was.   I have never been to Dragon con but I was able to get a glimpse of it while it went on.   I live in the Alantla area and I work downtown at  high rise business center.  It is located new the hotels were the con was held.  I did not get to see the parade but did see some of the cospalyers walk to and from the hotels.  some of congoers parked in the parking lot of the bldg where I worked.  one of he most interresting moments was when Batman, the Scarecrow, and the Green Goblin came thur the garage after i had open it up for them so they could get to their car. 

                      thanks for shareing.
I am going with the best information that I have.