Star Wars The Uncyclopedia

Started by Meds, May 16, 2012, 11:41:44 AM

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Our very own Ori-Studfarm (Ant) posted a link to this on Facebook earlier today and boy it had me laughing out loud. Very well wrote in a humorous way.





"...a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, contrary to the beliefs of the common Star Wars fanboy, who maintains that Star Wars is actually real, and set in the past, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away."


It's not just Star Wars. The Red Dwarf page is not as funny...but the Star trek ones are...

Doctor McCoy
Known as 'Bones' because of the fused and individual bones supported and supplemented by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage that go into making up his skeleton, Bones has no medical knowledge whatsoever due to technological advances making such skills redundant. He simply follows instructions given to him by moving triangles on the wall of his sick-bay. His pronouncements of "He's dead Jim" given during away missions, are the guess of an amateur or prompted by some special hand held device. His primary duties are to loiter on the bridge, to lean on the railings, and to be an annoyance and impairment to command procedures.